Chapter 6

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                              TRIGGER SCENE

                                   EMBER'S POV

I lied. Again!. I hate lying, it makes me feel like such a terrible person. And worst of all it was to, Matt. Matt, is such a sweet caring guy. Truth is, I like him ALOT but i've alway's been to shy to confess my feeling's to him fearing he would reject me. Honestly, if I ever did 'give it up', it would have been to him. But after this!, it's just not possible. How could this happen, how could I have been so stupid.

I only wish, Matt had called looking for me a bit sooner. Before, Mike attacked me like he did after, Avory interrupted him and me defying him only added to it. I wondered if it would add consequences later. It did, and severally!.

I see, Mike watching me process what just happened. He has a little glint of happiness in his eye's. I think he can tell that this conversation I just had with, Matt bothered me alot more this time because he made me lie.

"You are becoming VERY good at that, sweetheart".

I look up at him puzzled wondering what he is talking about.

"Good at what, Mike?". "I don't understand!".

"Well, good at lying of course". "Although I can tell that one hurt more then the last one". "Am I sensing that you maybe like him?".

I freeze not saying a thing. I don't want to piss him off again, not now knowing what he is capable of if I do tell him the truth.

"Answer me, Ember".

He say's this with furrowed brows and pursed lip's. A little annoyance laced within his tone. I finally sigh and give in and blurt it out without thinking.

"Yes, Mike!". "I like him".

I cover my mouth instantly thinking to myself, 'What did I just do?'. He now has a permanent scowl etched on his face. He raises his voice with a loud boom making me jump back a bit.


I don't speak for a moment.

"Ember!". "Answer me, NOW GOD DAMMIT!".

Tears are now streaming down may face again.

"Awhile!, ok". "For as long as I can remember, actually". "He's alway's been sweet and kind and caring to me". "It just happened, he probably doesn't even feel the same though". "I mean look at me, i'm nothing special".

I had to say something to try and defuse the situation, so I cut myself down. His face finally softens as he look's into my eye's.

"You are very special Ember, don't say such thing's about yourself". "I can show you how special you are, you just have to let me".

The next day we are upstairs in the room and, Mike is of course still trying to get in my panties. There is a sudden unexpected knock downstairs at the front door, we both look in the direction of the noise. Mike, looks at me furrowing his brows

"DO NOT make a sound". "Do you understand me, Ember?". "I am going to see who that is and send them on their way as quickly as possible". "Then we can get back to what we were doing".

"Yes, Mike". "I understand". "I won't say anything, I promise".

"That's my, good girl".

He leans over to me and kisses my forehead, get's up and leaves the room.

I can hear muffled raised voices downstairs for a few minutes, then quiet. I hear quick foot step's coming back up the stairs and in comes, Mike.

"Damn!, he is a persistent son of a bitch".

"Shattered" (Book 1)(MATURE CONTENT 18+)(TRIGGER WARNING!).Where stories live. Discover now