Chapter 3

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                                    AVORY'S POV

I worried about Ember after Mike took her home last night because she "supposedly" wasn't feeling well, knowing how uneasy she was feeling about him even being there. But I had shrugged it off, I figured she would be safe. After all what could possibly happen,Right!?.

"I'll just give her a few day's to recover". "She probably just had to much to drink anyway like alway's".

I'm laying in bed nursing my hangover. I didn't get in until three this morning, it was such a wild fun night of dancing and drinking. I'm just sad my girl missed most of it as we didn't get there till about nine and she was gone by eleven. But judging by how she left, I assume she had a blast as well.

The weekend passes and it was now Monday. I still haven't received word from Ember at all and i'm now getting worried.

"Why hasn't she tried calling yet?".

I pick up my phone and scroll down my list of number's looking for Ember's, I really should get to putting her number in my favorites section of my phone. I eventually find her number and press call. It ring's straight to voicemail. I try again only with the same result but this time I leave a message.

(Answering machine) "This is Ember!". "I can't take your call right now, please leave a message at the sound of the beep". "(Beeeeeep)".

(Voicemail): "Ember, it's Avory please call me when you get this babe". "I haven't heard from you in day's". "I'm starting to worry, this is not like you".

I hang up my phone, get out of bed and head for a much-needed shower. This is exactly what I need to calm my nerves.

Half hour later I get out of what had to be the best shower ever. I was right, I needed that like I need air to breath.

"Now, what to wear to make me feel better?".

I walk back to my room and thumb threw my closet and pick out a sexy blue long sleeve bra and panty set, I also choose my comfy grey wool dress to match well with the long sleeves on my lingerie under top. I don't worry about shoes as I am not going anywhere incase Ember call's anyway.

I head out to my kitchen to find something to eat. As I am searching through the fridge my phone ring's. I rush over and check the caller ID. When I see it's Ember, I answer it immediately.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?". "I was worried about you, I didn't hear from you after Friday night".

There's a slight pause on the phone.

"I'm ok Avory, i'm just feeling a little under the weather". "I think I caught the flu or something".

"Yeah you were pretty out of it Friday night when Mike offered to drive you home". "He literally had to carry you out of the club, you were that out of it".

"Yeah I guess I had alot more to drink that night then I thought, and with not eating beforehand the alcohol just effected me that much faster". "Plus on-top of all of that, the not feeling well". "It just all caught up to me all at once I guess".

"Do you want me to bring you anything babe?, some home-made soup maybe?".

"NO!". "I mean, what if i'm contagious?". "I don't want to get you sick to babe!".

"Ok, well you just rest and relax then babe". "I'm just staying in bed myself and recouping as well".

"Yeah, sure!". "I'll talk to you soon babe, I love you Avory".

"I love you too babe".

And with that we hang up our phones. I feel better now having talked to her. Even though I found it a little strange she was so formal with actual names I just shrug it off, at least I know she's ok.

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