Chapter 25

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They all went back to the barracks near the mansion. The medical team are bustling around reviving the injured harpie. The wolves camped near the forest entrance waiting.

Alexa already sent the video to Wayne that is in the middle of the meeting on how to infiltrate the place. Alexa, Alice and Ylsen drove to them to participate the planning.

When they entered the room, the first thing she noticed is the hologram was showing Alpha Cade's face, bruised and more rugged than when she first talked to him. She felt like crying seeing him battered. His expression is dim. There is a strap hanging to his neck so she predicted that his arm is have cast.

She known this guy all her life. She fought with him. He was never gravely injured because he is really good at fighting. Especially his face. He never let his face get any hit. So she got curious when she saw one on his eye the last time they talk. Now half of his face is covered with gauze.

"Captain... what happened to you?" She ignored the attention she got from the men in the room. She is focused on her old friend. She looked behind him but she couldn't see Beta Martin that is always ALWAYS beside him.

His expression lighten a bit. "Heyya twerp! How ya doin'?"

"What happened?" She walked closer to inspect him more. Ylsen is just right behind her. Ready to catch her if she breaks down.

He sighed and leaned back to his seat. She now could see half of his body that is mostly covered with gauze.

"Shit happened. Tons of intel dead on the spot without us knowing. One hideout raided by shadows. Thankfully we are fast enough to take the residents to hide deeper into the labyrinth thanks to Martin's wife's premonition. Then just as we sneak back to our camp, we never expected a group of rogues just loitering around the corners wanting to play. Got lucky it wasn't a group of wild ones. And this" he pointed out his face. "is some psycho mermaid's clawmark when I got pushed in to a pond."

Alice's face frowned. "There's a mermaid in a pond?"

He nodded "My thoughts exactly."

"Where's Martin?" His face saddened.

"He was gravely injured. But he stayed with his wife. She got miscarriage today because her premonition came late and the stress of blaming herself for what happened to us took too much toll on the baby."

She stifled her gasp. "Oh my God."

Wayne cleared his throat and all their attention went to. "We should continue with the meeting. I hope you understand that this is urgent."

"Right away your majesty. I apologize for the interruption." Alice said and gained a nod from Wayne. Ylsen led her to their seats and Alexa finds her place standing beside the king.

She looked around the table and saw unfamiliar faces. She was surprised to see Lenia with them that just smiled and waved at her.

The king signalled something then not a second later, the footage on the cliff showed in front of them. Watching it again is making her nauseous.

"Thanks to a certain someone that interrupted me in the middle of the night, I just found out that I have more places that I own that I never knew before considering I am already a king before I got my eternal life. Quite strange if you ask me." He talk like he is just talking to himself and he is just sharing it to them but it is not open for discussion. So everyone stayed silent not wanting to piss him off more.

There is a long silence except for the video that keep playing repeatedly infront of them.

The door opened again and Ylsen groaned, actually majority of the people inside groaned disheartened, when they saw who walked in.

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