Chapter 16

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Alice wanted to open her eyes but she can't. She can feel herself as if she is floating. She can't breathe. Her ears feel blocked and pressured. Is she underwater?

"Alice. Open your eyes." She heard a sultry voice whispering to her. She wanted to do what the voice said but even if she struggled, she feel weak to even move a muscle.

"Alice. Remember." Remember what? Remember who? Who is Alice?

"Alice. Open your eyes dear." Alice wanted to get angry at the voice ordering her because it is making her frustrated that she can't do it.

"Alice. Obey me. Remember." Someone touched her forehead and her memories flooded like river.

Her friends. Her family. Her messy past. Her happy contented years with her family. The chaos today. She remembers them all in a split second. She recognized the Moon Goddess' voice.

She fought and willed her body to move. She forced her body to feel every fibre of her muscles. When she is able to do it, she opened her eyes.

She found herself staring at a pair of beautiful golden eyes. It belong to the massive majestic white wolf staring down at her. The both of them are underwater so deep she can't the end in all side. She panicked that she can't breathe. Air is escaping from her mouth and she suddenly can't comprehend what to do next.

The wolf swam away a bit far and turned around and swam to her at full speed. Her eyes widened when she saw the wolf jetting towards her. She tried to evade byt it was too late. The wolf hit her chest hard and she gasped at the impact.

Alice jolted up from being layed on the forest floor and almost choked by the sudden surge of air that entered her lungs. She coughed and wheezed. She felt someone rubbing her back saying 'easy' repeatedly. When she recovered a little, she looked around and see that she is still jn the forest.

"Okay she's up." She heard Lenia said and took the shock pads she used to revive Alice.

"Momma." Her eyes looked for her daughter and found her clutching tight at Diana's hand crying.

She left out a relieved sigh. She opened her arms for the girl. "Oh my baby. Come here." The kid whimpered and ran to her.

Alice hugged Aqui tight and kissed her lots of times. She whispered sweet nothings to comfort the girl until Alice felt her get heavy and loose the grip on Alice. Aqui fell asleep. She must be tired of all the fiasco.

Miles took the kid from her so she could stand on her feet. She still feel wobbly so Lenia guided her to sit on a root.

"What happened?" The three looked at each other.

Lenia decided to answer. "You died dear. The poison paralyzed all your organs. Diana needed to concoct an antidote here. She is talented." Diana faked curtsy (AN: I forgot the spelling I'm sorry.) at her.

Tears ran down her eyes. "Thank you for following me. I thought I'm finished. I just prayed Aqui to return home safely even after I die in here." She remembers all her thoughts earlier when she thought there is no hope anymore. It gives her an awfull feeling that she don't want to feel again.

"You got us worried kid. Don't do that again." Miles patted her head.

Alice remembered something. "Where is Deneres and your daughter? Are they okay? Did they got hurt?" They were one of the guests.

Miles shook his head and fixed Aqui's position on him. "They're not hurt. Deneres got Millicia in the mansion faster than the rest so they are safe when I left to look for you."

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