Chapter 37

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Everything was chaotic. Skeletons of who knows how old rised from the both the paved and unpaved land. Strucking and slicing them will only make them rise again. Bullets passes through and some of their soldiers catching them gets fatally wounded.

It will either be they pulverize them or use holy magic. Pulverizing bones is a very tiring move but using holy magic will risk the vampires and other species they are allied with.

So the hard way it is. King Wayne took the lead to smash the skeletons hundreds per minute. A lot of them struggle. The dragons also helped trample them down being careful not to hurt an ally.

Aloha's pack also helped by crashing the skeletons. She is fighting along side her pack when she noticed something unusual with Alice from afar. Her shadow is getting darker and rounder like a deep dark pit and Alice was too busy to notice it .

Aloha let out a roar and rushed towards her. She tried to catch Alice's sleeve but it was too late. Alice was swallowed by the ground and so did she. The both fell but no one even noticed it.

They continued fighting when someone called to the king loudly.

"Your majesty! The shields are regenerating!" They all looked at where the destroyed shields used to be. Silver lights are rapidly climbing up the air mending it.

"Rush forward! Attack now!" Shouts of the people and they pushed forward as fast ad they can to get inside of the barrier. The dragons flew up the skies again to attempt to disintegrate the rising barrier with Artnis on the red dragon's back.

When the walls got too high to cross, Diane used her power to make a fairly large whole as a door to get more soldiers in. Some elite fighters are protecting her and letting the others in.

When King Wayne got in together with the other generals and most of the soldiers, Diane noticed Ylsen looking around that seemed to be looking for something.

"Ylsen! What the hell are you still doing?! I can't hold these for anymore longer, dammit!" Diane could feel her feel her energy deplete while holding the door steady.

But Ylsen continued to look around restless feeling like he can't find something important. But he doesn't remember what.

Diane had no choice but to have him dragged in coz she really can't hold on any more longer.

Ylsen resist a little but let them drag him in not wanting to make any more trouble.

When the last one got in, Diane collapsed as if about to faint, some medic hurriedly went to aid her.

The skeletons became piles of ashes at the same moment . Silence spread but all they could hear was their still erratic heart and breathe.

"Gather around! Remain alert! Never feel at ease!" King Wayne's deep commanding voice was heard by every last one of them.

Some people rushed that was left outside the barrier  came near them. King Wayne instructed them.

"Gather everyone that is left outside this blasted barrier. Leave to a safe distance but keep vigilant and always prepare. Call for more reinforcements to stand ground and wait for signal." They all saluted the king and went on hurriedly to do what he ordered.

The king and the other leaders went to discuss what to do and where to go next.

Zen is beside Ylsen and noticed that he looks distracted and in distressed.

"You okay there?" He patted Ylsen's back.

Ylsen was silent for a moment then shook his head and sighed in defeat. "I just think that... I'm forgetting something very...very important."

Zen think the same but he thought that maybe it was just his car keys in his car again so he found it strange that Ylsen feels the same.

They stopped when the soldiers became more tensed at what they are seeing.

They all looked at what's up and see the piles of ashes rises up high in the air and forming into an ominous shape near the dragons.

Artnis was trying to destroy the barrier again but it seemed to have became even more stronger that it is pissing her of.

She noticed the sand gathering near them and she was frightened that it took a very familiar shape.

"Reido! Reina! Fall back!" She pulled Reina's reigns hard to escape away fast. She knew it will still follow the dragons so she lead them away from their previous route where there are still people.

She needs to at least lure it to the ocean which is still miles away.

She needs to get far as she could because she now that without a headstart she will not have even a pinch of chance of survival.

That thing is some thing that can only be read in ancient scrolls dug deep deep deep from the ground. Something that can swallow a whole city.

Who in the effing son of a gun can summon an ancient catastrophe like this!? They could only be the devil's contractor!

But she couldn't tell it to anybody so she just hopes that the king is smart enough to figure out in time before it could lead to their demise.

Back at the king, fortunately her prayers were heard and the king recognized it. It shaped into a humongous collosal earthworm made of sand. It looks like a harmless giant worm when you look at its side but when you are upfront you could see its mouth is an endless dark pit of long sharp spikes as its teeth. Millions or maybe billions of it. And it soars the skies and lives under ground in the ancient times.

 And it soars the skies and lives under ground in the ancient times

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King Wayne held his breathe at the sight of the Arraka. "Don't move. Don't make a single sound." He ordered that they easily obeyed because they were to scared to even make a squeak but they thightened their hold on their weapons.

This beast is very sensitive to sound and vibration despite being blind.

Artnis saw that it became its full form from afar but still unmoved as if feeling its surroundings and waiting for a very easy prey.

She swallowed all her fears and stood at the back of Reina while holding the reign for support. She let out a loud scream. And she knew that it was enough to make the beast know of her presence so she hurriedly went back to driving the dragons pushing their speed to the limit.

The others didn't know why but they all shook more when it started to move silently and followed the direction Artnis disappeared to. It looks creepy and even more disturbing that it didn't make any sound even while moving and floated up the clear skies, like a very silent predator.

They didn't even get a chance to relax when  they were enveloped with black portals sending them god knows where.

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