Chapter 14

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After days of travel, the gates of Konoha finally appeared. I pulled my cape around me, the hood concealing my face even in the darkness of the night. The air was frigid, flecks of snow dotting the atmosphere and catching the torchlight as we rode. As the golden gates appeared, my heart leapt with nerves. I whimpered involuntarily.

Naruto wrapped his arms tightly around me, his hands holding the reigns and resting on my stomach. "This was a horrible idea," he said against my hood.

"Probably," I admitted. I leaned back into him, closing my eyes as I inhaled the freezing air.

Naruto pulled back my hood enough to press a lingering kiss to my cheek. "But I will keep you safe, no matter what," he whispered.

I nodded, still sinking back onto him in the saddle. I didn't want to admit that I was absolutely terrified to go back to Konoha. Just the thought of seeing the queen again almost brought me to tears. The only thing keeping me from running was the image of Sakura returned to safety, and Naruto's hold on my waist.

King Kakashi rode alongside us, Yamato on his left. We flanked the king of Fire Nation as we marched forward, the small army at our backs. I knew we made a threatening sight to anyone watching; but I also knew the cold, unflinching heart of the queen. Shion would not be so easily frightened.

And I was right about that. As we drew closer, we could see a small group of figures standing at the open gates. The night made it hard to make out faces in the distance, apart from the flicker of torches.

But as we reached them, I could finally see what would make my stomach drop.

Shion stood center, a cocky smirk on her lips. She was dressed in battle armor, thick leather and metal plates lining her body. A broadsword at her hip and a dagger in hand, she shifted easily as we stopped before her. At her side, Kinshiki and a small flank of guards, but in her henchman's arms, a small, withered figure slumped on her feet.

My heart broke seeing her. "Sakura?"

The tears welled in my eyes just as the rage burned in my chest. Sakura was so strong-willed, so fiery and confident. This woman barely able to stand, wilted and thin, was not the Sakura I knew. She hung her head, her eyes lulling sadly beneath the cuts and bruises on her face. She barely looked up when we approached.

"That... monster..." I seethed, ready to jump down from the saddle and wrench her from Kinshiki.

Sensing my anger, Kakashi spoke to me in a low voice. "Calm yourself, Hinata," he urged. "We must think reasonably."

I felt Naruto's hold tighten around me, but the blood beneath my skin still boiled. "Easy, Hinta," Naruto said, his voice tinted with his own anger.

Shion chuckled lightly. She stared up at us with bored eyes, her dagger glistening in her hold.

"Your Majesty," she hummed, "what brings the King of Fire Nation to my country?"

"We wish to speak with you," Kakashi answered flatly.

"Oh? That's all? You travelled nearly three days for a conversation?" Shion laughed richly, clutching at her stomach as her ruby lips parted languidly.

"I must be very important to you. After all, this is quite the escort."

Kakashi didn't even smirk. "I would like to speak with you privately, within the walls. I will leave my soldiers at the gates, I only request that my private guards accompany me."

"Well naturally," she said, shrugging one shoulder with sensuous ease.

"I would hardly expect royalty to be without their loyal attendants." She smirked at Kakashi, and with her final words, turned to Naruto and I. "Hello, handsome."

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