Chapter 10

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The road to Fire Nation was long.

"What I would have given for a horse," Naruto grumbled, clutching his ratty coat around his shoulders.

The sky was shifting into night, and the changing of the seasons was well underway, making the long journey a cold one.

As Naruto nodded to the guards at the gate of his familiar castle, they flew into action, alerting the king immediately of his return.

Naruto would have hurried off with them, excited to pass on the success of his mission. But instead, he walked slowly down the long esplanade, pressing his fingertips to his lips. It had been nearly two full days after he had left Hinata, yet her kisses still lingered. His skin practically buzzed with residual touches. Her advances were welcome, but now he craved her more than ever.

The steps up the looming castle felt never ending. Naruto's back stung from the stitches beneath his bandages, and his feet ached from walking. As he reached the top step, he nearly collapsed as he turned to sit and rest. Kakashi would be waiting in his office for Naruto's report, no doubt; but Naruto needed a moment of peace before work began again.

He closed his eyes, tilting his head toward the twilit sky. The frigid breeze caught his nose, and Naruto inhaled the air deeply into his lungs. He coughed; it was a bad idea to enjoy cold weather when one's chest had been beaten three days prior.

"You all right, kid?"
Naruto turned, nodding to the man leaning casually against the door. "Never better," he joked, smirking.

"It's good to see you, Itachi."

Uchiha Itachi, shrugged, crossing his arms as he strode toward Naruto. He flopped down next to him on the cold stone, tugging his jacket closer. "How is Sasuke?"

"Your brother is still working there," Naruto said, rubbing at his neck. "He was incredibly helpful actually. You should have no problem meeting with him soon."

"How long?"

"Only a month or so," Naruto replied just as quickly. "Sasuke needs time to arrange a safe passage for you into the castle grounds."

Itachi nodded. "You can brief all of us soon," he said. Itachi paused, shivering. "I don't blame you for taking a moment to rest Naruto, but you could have at least moved inside where it's warm."

Naruto laughed, but his eyes didn't reflect the sound.

"Wow," Itachi said, gently rapping Naruto's shoulder. "What happened to you? You look like shit."

Naruto inhaled steadily, hanging his head. All he saw was Hinata's pouting face. "More than I had anticipated."

"Well, come inside then," Itachi said, standing. "I've already had the servants prepare you some food. You look like you need something hot." Itachi tugged Naruto to his feet, finally catching a glimpse of his sunken eyes. "Or something strong."

Naruto nodded, wiping at his bruised lips. "Both sound wonderful."


The maids flitted busily around Naruto as Itachi watched from the corner.

Naruto's chambers looked like a brothel, and frankly, had the maids not been fully clothed, it would have been dangerously close to one. The girls all flew to Naruto's side when his beaten and blue body came into view, and after a swell of deeply concerned gasps, they all went to work. Several women sat around his back, cleaning at his stitches and resewing any torn threads. Two more stood at either side, dipping towels into bowls of hot water to clean his face and shoulders. Even more ran about the rooms, gathering anything to tend to the prince, from food and clothing, to medical or cleaning supplies, and even hair products.

Itachi chuckled watching them. He loved being a spectator to Naruto's flirtatious ways, and had greatly anticipated Naruto to relish in the fawning of a flurry of maids.

But as Naruto was nursed and cleaned, Itachi's smirk faded. Naruto's eyes did not wander, but stayed glued to the floor. His mind seemed distant, apparent in the blank way he stared into the empty space between each woman.

Occasionally, he would answer questions or thank them, but nothing beyond that. No complements, no playful touches, just a stoic man in the place of a playful boy that once sat in his seat.

Itachi thought perhaps Naruto had finally been broken, that the queen of Konoha's cruelty was more than even he could bear. That is, until the maids curtsied and began to leave, complete with their work. Naruto stood shakily, fully clothed in his proper knight's uniform, nodding to them in return. A particularly young maid with curly blonde hair bowed and, smiling sweetly, said, "We will see you again soon, Sir Naruto."

Naruto's eyes focused, blinking rapidly as she walked away. He snickered, and ran a fingertip over his lips. "You will," he said, and then barely above a breath, "I swear it. I will see you again."

Itachi closed the door behind them, and then crossed his arms sternly. "All right." He said, catching Naruto's attention. "Who is she?"

Naruto paused for a moment, his lips slack, but then, he giggled quietly. "Hinata," he conceded, not even trying to refute it.

Itachi nodded, grinning. "She must be something."

Naruto closed his eyes, smiling to himself as he sank back into a chair. "She's everything," he hummed, running his fingers through his hair. "She's playful, loyal, stubborn, strong, sweet, gorgeous," Naruto chuckled, rubbing his bruised eye. He grew deathly quiet, his voice low and rueful. "And I left her there."

Crossing the space, Itachi sat easily in the chair across from Naruto. "Well, from the way it sounds," he mused, "she didn't give you much choice."

Naruto sighed heavily. "No, she didn't."

"Then you did the right thing," Itachi encouraged. "If she's really as incredible as you say, then she can handle herself."

"I promised her I'd return for her," Naruto breathed, resting his elbows on his knees. "How bad how things gotten?"

"Very," Itachi said honestly. "All communications within the borders have been shut down. Trade is forbidden. No one gets in or out of Konoha. It's a miracle you did."
Naruto met Itachi's eyes painfully. "There's no way to go back for her, is there?"

Itachi sighed through his nose, rubbing at his mouth thoughtfully. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "Not yet."
Squeezing his eyes shut, Naruto fell back into the chair cushions. "Yet."
"It could always change," Itachi added. "We're working on ways to infiltrate Konoha through different borders. Suna Country seems promising, but we have yet to have anything solid. What's really concerning is how irrationally Shion seems to be moving. We just don't understand her plan."

Naruto hung his head. "Unfortunately, it's not much of a plan. It's like she's trying to strangle her people, cut them off from any help other than what she can provide. I'm not sure what her aim is, but so far, she has absolute control over everyone within the borders."

Itachi nodded slowly, before standing upright. "I think it's time to talk with Kakashi."

Naruto stood as fast as he could manage. He swallowed any other thoughts, tucking his chin firmly and meeting Itachi's gaze with steady precision. "It is."

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