Chapter 4

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The next day, I was minding my own business. The sun was shining through the halls as I delivered fresh linens. That is, until Naruto came up behind me, grabbed me around my waist and tugged me into a nearby closet.

Where had he come from, I wondered.

I squealed, but Naruto's lips quieted me. Our kiss was feverish and fast. He pushed me against the closed door, his hands spiraling down my sides and sending sparks into my core. "You're adorable," he crooned, his lips tugging on my neck.

Where were we anyway? I don't recognize this closet, I thought to myself.

"Oh, Naruto! Stop... s-someone will find us," I shivered, clawing at his shoulders.

"I can't wait anymore," he said. "I need you, Hinata."

What am I doing, I questioned. I was not the type to be so bold. What had come over me?

I sighed, tugging him by his lapels down to my own lips. I could feel his smile curling around our kiss, his lips as soft and plump as I had imagined.

"Naruto," I moaned. Suddenly, I dropped to my knees. When had I learned to do this? I reached out, pulling at the button on his slacks until...


I cried out, bolting upright in bed, my chest heaving. I turned to my right to see Sakura fully dressed and staring at me with a smirk.

"Get up, Hinata. It's time to start the day."

I groaned rubbing at my eyes. It was a dream, I thought, heart still pounding.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Next time you sleep in, try not to be so noisy." Sakura picked up her headscarf and walked toward the door, tying her hair back.

I shook my head, shifting on the mattress to look after her. "Wh-what?"

Sakura giggled, shutting the door. "Oh, Naruto" she moaned softly.

My eyes wide and cheeks bright red, I slammed my face down into my pillow in humiliation. Stupid butler!

My face still red, I quickly stripped and put on my dress and apron. I thought back to the dream, imagining Naruto's lips so sweetly caressing my shoulder. I shook my head. Now, I would have no choice but to avoid Naruto and Sakura for the day.

Ino apologized profusely again. "I'm sorry love, but the queen needs fresh sheets delivered to her room immediately. It seemed like it was an emergency."

I shook my head, holding onto the stack of linens. "But Ino, what if the queen is in there?" My heart fluttered. I didn't want her to see me, after being warned for so long to keep away from her.

"I'm very sorry," Ino said again, and she seemed to truly mean it. "I am needed elsewhere. We lost three maids again last night from a poor dinner service. I just don't have enough help."

I frowned, but nodded. "I understand."

Ino placed a hand on my shoulder. "I doubt she'll even be in there. She's supposed to meet with some important folk today. Just go on, and keep yer head down."

I nodded, and scurried out of the washroom. Why would the queen need fresh sheets in the middle of the day? It was strange, but then again, no one questioned Shion.

As I ascended the stairs from the servant's underbelly, I realized how long it had been since I had seen the splendor of the palace. I wanted to smile, remembering the days I spent in the beautiful grandeur, but when I reached the grand staircase, my heart sank. The flowers that had once plumed and bloomed in massive vases of fine glass were rotted through, not having been replaced in months. As I continued on into the palace, the statues that were once so bright were dingy with neglect. The paintings were dusty, the windows dirty, and the carpets covered in muck. I squealed as I saw a rat scuttle across the marble floor, tucking the sheets over my face. I wanted to cry. The palace seemed to be in as much disarray as the kingdom itself. Hanging my head, I continued on to the queen's quarters.

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