Chapter 11

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My eyes were shut, my hand slipping against my cheek as I dozed on the tabletop. The world was all blurred color and distant echoes as my mind napped.

Eventually, a hand rocking my shoulder caused me to lose my grip and almost slap my face against the table. I snored lazily, propping myself upright as I rubbed my eyes.

"Hinata," Sakura said, her voice scratchy. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," I mumbled, yawning. "What time is it?"

"Late in the afternoon," Sakura answered, kneeling in front of me on my stool. She pressed a hand to my forehead. "I heard you up all night. Are you feeling any better?"

I reached out to the glass of water in front of me. "I feel all right," I answered honestly. "I just wish I could sleep."

Sakura sighed, resting her hand on my knee. "Well, we don't need you right now. The laundry is nearly finished, and the other girls understand you haven't been feeling well this week. For now, you can rest in our kitchen. Let me get you something to eat."

I shook my head, covering my mouth. "No, no, I can't right now-"
Sakura rolled her eyes, pulling on my hand. "You have to eat or else you-"

I grasped at her hand desperately. "I don't really feel well," I said honestly, clutching my stomach. "I think I'm..."

Sakura's eyes widened, and she quickly grabbed a bowl from the counter. Without warning, I puked a fresh batch of bile and what little breakfast I could stomach into the container. Sakura brushed my hair out of my face and shushed me, rubbing my back as I quaked with sickness. Sitting back on the stool, I gasped with disgust as I wipe my mouth on my sleeve.

"Ugh," I groaned, watching Sakura clean the bowl in the wash bin. "Normally it's only at night. I don't know what's wrong with me, I feel fine any other time..."

I rested my hand on my stomach, and Sakura's movements slowed.

"Hinata," she said slowly. "Can you be honest with me?"

I stared at her in silence, watching her as she neared my seat. "Y-yes," I said nervously.

She fiddled with her hands as she spoke. "When did you last see Naruto," Sakura asked, staring at my hand.

I shut my eyes tightly. "Four weeks ago," I said softly. Long enough.

"Hinata," Sakura said seriously, glancing from my stomach to my shaking hand. "Did... you and Naruto..."

My lip quivered, and I nodded. I knew what she meant. I had suspected for days after the first wave of nausea hit.

Sakura pressed her fingers to her mouth, and looked up at me with big eyes. "Do you think..."

I covered my face in my hands, starting to cry. "I am. I'm almost sure of it."

Sakura's arms reached out, wrapping tightly around me. "Oh my God, Hinata. It's going to be all right. Naruto said he would come back, you won't be alone..."

"You don't understand," I said through tears. "Naruto said there was going to be a war. How can I be... How can I do this in the first months of a war?"

"I," Sakura tried, rubbing my back. "I don't know, but you certainly won't be alone. I promise."

I cried softly, hiding my face in my hands and burying myself against her chest. "I'm so sorry, Sakura. Now you're worrying about me."

"Well of course I am!" She said, pulling me back. "You're my best friend! I've always worried about you." She smiled thinly, and hooked her finger under my chin. "Please don't cry, Hinata. I'm going to get you some food."

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