Chapter 12

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After seeing Sakura captured by Shion, I sat in the brush for several long moments.

What could I do? I couldn't possibly go back to save her on my own. It would only give Shion the chance to take me as well. I knew who could help me, but I wasn't sure how to get there.

Standing, I turned into the forest and began my long journey to Fire Nation.

Walking through the woods was hard enough, but the thick plumes of my skirts made it impossible. After the fifteenth branch to snag my train, I huffed angrily and yanked back on the fabric. I sighed, staring up at the flickers of sun through the trees. What time was it anyway? It had to have been almost evening. And it was positively frigid now; the sun wouldn't last much longer. I covered my bare arms with my hands, rubbing up and down to produce some warmth.

Of course, not eating or sleeping was not great prep for a day's journey to another country. I closed my eyes, feeling the nausea beginning once again.

"Now?" I grumbled trudging along through the brush, attempting to will away the sickness I could feel bubbling in my stomach.

"You know," I huffed to myself. "I am almost positive you're in there, so let me just say this," I panted, grunting as I hiked over a fallen log. "You're making everything that is already shit impossibly more inconvenient. So if you wouldn't mind, please stop making me vomit."

For a moment, the pain in my gut faded, and I paused my walk. I smiled, patting my abdomen sweetly. "Thank y-" I began, before immediately keeling over and puking onto the ground.

I wiped at my mouth, shaking my head. "Well," I breathed, standing up and stretching my back with a grimace. "You are certainly Naruto's child, if I wasn't already positive."
Just then, as I arched my back, I saw a patch of clear light ahead. Quickly, I scurried through the twigs and leaves, passing twiggy saplings and muddy rocks to burst through into a clearing. I clapped my hands in relief as I saw the dirt road in front of me.

"Thank God," I murmured and brushed off my skirts.

I stared up at the sky, watching the sun descend to my left. I knew Fire Nation was part of the Northern territories, so I betted on setting out forward down the road.

"Let's hope this gets us somewhere," I said, resting a hand on my abdomen.

I could have been walking for five minutes or an hour- but the sun was nearly touching the horizon, and my legs were giving out beneath me. The endless stretch of bare trees on either side seemed to go on forever. My tongue could barely wet my lips as I trudged along, and the fierce wind that shoved me backward was making it difficult to keep moving. I felt the tears of frustration begin as I walked onward, holding my arms to keep some warmth in my chest.
I sniffled.

"We're gonna be fine," I tried, choking. "W-we're gonna be all right. We're-"

The sound of a horse whinnying behind me made me jump out of my skin. They're coming after me, I thought. I quickly ducked onto the side of the road, trying to reach the woods beside me, but I tripped over my dirty skirts and tumbled into the ditch. One of my shoes fell off, the bottoms worn through from the hike, and my foot sloshed in the freezing mud. I ducked my head down, listening to the sound of horse hooves as they slowed.

"Hello?" A voice called. I didn't answer, but it didn't sound like a guardsman.

"Is someone there? I didn't mean to frighten you, miss. I'm sorry, I saw you running ahead and fall."

I pinched my brows. Sitting up slightly, I tossed a grassy strip of hair away from my face to see the figure standing above me. He wore a thick coat and crimson scarf, his pale cheeks rosy from the wind. His hair was so black and long that was tied in a loose ponytail, but his smile was warm and inviting.

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