Chapter 7

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We walked on in silence, trees surrounding us on either side. The shadows of the faded sun stretched far in front of us.

After a moment of chewing on my words, I asked, "Naruto, do you think you're above me?"

Naruto glanced to me, his brows quirked. "Well that's an odd question," Naruto laughed.

I fiddled with my basket as we walked. "I don't mean just because you're a butler, or the queen's attendant. I mean because you're a man."

Naruto stopped walking. "Let me tell you something," Naruto said, his eyes still bright, but distant.

"My mother was the strongest, bravest woman I've ever known. I have fought men whose courage would pale in comparison to her." Naruto smiled, staring off into the sunset with distant memories staring back. "She raised me as a baby on her own, and she died before I knew how to properly thank her. She was a maid, just like you. But to me, she could have been a queen."

I watched as Naruto's eyes filled with the fading light of day, glowing bright as they shifted to me. "She sounds wonderful."

Naruto nodded, continuing walking. The palace came into view as we peaked over the hill. "She was my happiness. It took a long time before I was able to find that same love again in another family."

"You were adopted?" I asked, voice lilting with curiosity. I stared at his expressions as we walked.

Naruto laughed. "Yes," he said. "Thankfully a kind old man took me in off the streets. I have been with him ever since."

"Then," I asked, "he's the one who taught you how to... be a butler?"

Naruto laughed, tossing his head back, his eyes closing into happy moons. "If by 'butler,' you mean what you saw in the town," he said playfully, winking, "then yes."

I pursed my lips, tucking away the smile that appeared. "So," I said as we reached the gates. "Even with your unique skills- which I am not inclined to ask about- you do not think you're better than me?"

Naruto nodded to the guards, and they parted the wrought iron for us. Naruto ushered me inside, resting a hand on my opposite shoulder. The touch was subtle, but I felt a spark from his fingertips.

"Hinata," he said softly, leaning down to my ear. I could feel his lips brush against the back of my cheek as he spoke. "There is nothing about me that could ever compare to you."

The breath from my lungs seemed to fall away, and I slowed my steps.

Naruto walked past me, turning only to beckon me back. "Come with me," he said, jerking his chin toward the castle. "I'll walk you back to your quarters."

I ducked my head to hide the blush I felt warming my cheeks, grasping onto my cape with my free hand. I hurried past him, earning a light chuckle from behind me.

We continued on through the shadowed stone corridors, away from the luxury and into the functional sections, the underbelly of the grandeur palace above. Naruto and I walked through the archway to a simple courtyard, filled with vegetables and easy fruits for the servants to pick. Luckily this was the one part of the castle that was still well tended, but the cold season had come and few bearing plants remained. Naruto walked me past the stalks of brown, sleeping plants, to a large wooden door.

"Thank you for walking me back," I said, tugging on a stray hair. "I should be able to make it to my room from here."

Naruto nodded. "You're welcome, Hinata. Glad I could help." Naruto glanced up and down my face, his mouth parting, but quickly shutting with unspoken words. He laughed sheepishly, and turned away. "Good night, miss."

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