Summer Love - 14

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Wattpad is making me lose my patience. It's literally forcing people to buy that damn premium package because they include an ad after every damn chapter!

I miss the good old days when I could have 200 stories in my library and read them offline, and when they didn't spam you with ads after every chapter. Back then I would comment on every single chapter but it just makes me so annoyed nowadays, and it's just so frustrating because I want to support my fellow writers but I JUST GET SO ANNOYED BY THE ADSSSS😭😭

sorry for my rant, here's chapter14 of Summer Love, enjoy!

p.s. it's once again not proofread, so any, mistakes that may occur, I am apologizing in advance for them <3 

-Bored Pumpkin (TopsTheTommo)


Shion kept her dark violet eyes on Naruto, not being able to take them off his body. She had last seen him just a year ago and he wasn't as fit back then yet.

"I haven't seen you around Tokyo in a while, you moved here?" She asked, twirling her blonde hair around her fingers. The action didn't go unnoticed by Hinata, who kept a hard glare on the blonde. She didn't trust her for one second.

"No, I'm on vacation here right now. I live in Konohagakure with my godparents." He replied, not noticing any of the flirting attempts Shion was making. He had known her for years. They used to attend the same school back in Tokyo and Shion had even been one of the people that would party with him after his parents' death.

"Oh, how fun! My dad just bought me an apartment there, so if you want to meet up someday, just text me. I'm sure you still have my phone number." She continued, moving to stand closer to the blond. Naruto just smiled politely at her and nodded his head.

"I'm not really a party person anymore. More the family guy, as of late." The Uzumaki said, smiling at his son in his arms.

Shion seemed to just notice the two people with Naruto. She eyed Hinata up and down, noticing she was wearing Naruto's shirt. Next, she turned her attention to the mini double of Naruto, who eyed her curiously with his big blue eyes.

They seemed to be even a deeper blue color than Naruto's.

"You managed to knock a girl up? No wonder with how many girls you slept with. Honestly, it's only surprising it was just one girl that ended up getting pregnant." She then proceeded to laugh out loud after saying that. It made Hinata's blood boil to unnatural temperatures.

Just as she was about to slap a bitch, Naruto's hand sneaked to her back and held her closer to him, drawing circles on her back lovingly. He knew just how much this would irritate her, especially with their son present but wasn't about to lose his cool in front of him.

He had sworn himself that he left his past behind in Tokyo. Everything back there didn't matter anymore, especially not the past three years when things started to go south.

His life had become one blur. The amount of alcohol he had consumed, how many cigarettes he had smoked, how many women he slept with just to feel some kind of love that wasn't receiving from his father after his mother's death. Shion was one of these women. Only one of the few that he repeatedly slept with. They were no strangers.

And Hinata had noticed the way they had some kind of familiarity with one another.

Tokyo was a part of his past now. Naruto didn't want to return back there. The only ones that he actually cared about were his best friends, who tried to look out for him as much as possible. Shikamaru for instance didn't show many interests or involvements in his own life but even he tried to bring his best friend back on track.

Summer Love [NARUHINA AU]Where stories live. Discover now