Summer Love - 5

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I'm kind of back, hiii. I realized that Wattpad hadn't been giving me notifications for this story, which means I got to read your comments just a few hours ago, after reading through the book a bit. I hope you guys like this very belated chapter.

It was made with a lot of love though :).

Bored Pumpkin (TopsTheTommo)


The sound of small feet running on the floor could be heard from the Hyūga mansion as the only toddler in the household made his way around the giant mansion. He had heard his grandfather talking about his mother's new job at the hospital, knowing, he would be seeing even less of her now. 

Boruto didn't mind spending most of his time with his grandfather or his uncle and aunt, but he was missing his mother more than ever since she had started her new job. 

The young blond boy was dragging his teddy bear by its small fluffy hand on the floor, picking up the dust from the floor along the way. Not that there was much dust in the prestige household. "Grandpa! Grandpa!!" He yelled out loud, making his voice echo through the empty hallways of the house. Soon after he yelled out for him, the elder Hyuga opened the door of his study.

"Why are you yelling, Boruto? Is something wrong?" He asked calmly, preparing to hear a rant from his grandson, for not replying any sooner.

"Where is mommy? She should be home by now," the toddler said, frowning in the process. It was rare for her to be home nowadays. She was home when he woke up and she'd get home just before he went to bed, but other than that, she wasn't around much anymore. "I wanna go see mommy." He demanded.

Hiashi laughed softly at the small boy and ruffled his unruly blond hair. "Alright. Go get changed into something more decent and I'll go prepare you a bag to go." He concluded, knowing he would rather agree to the boy's demands than see him be upset. 

"You are the best, Grandpa!" Boruto said loudly and ran to his room, leaving his teddy bear to be picked up by Hishi. 

"Where in the world did the boy get this much energy? It certainly wasn't from our part of the family." The Hyuga murmured to himself as he picked the stuffed animal up from the polished floor.


Naruto watched Hinata make a patient's bed, making sure to even it out just perfectly. He didn't know what it was but somehow the girl intrigued him even more now than she did three years ago when they had first met. 

Her soft midnight blue hair had gotten longer and silkier by the looks of it. He had wanted to brush his fingers through it once again but with the way Hinata was acting, distancing herself from him, it was becoming obvious, he wouldn't be running his fingers through her hair anytime soon again.

She was also refusing to spend time with him, at least, more than necessary. 

The young Uzumaki knew that he had messed up back then. Things had gotten downhill faster than anticipated as soon as he had returned to Tokyo three years ago. His mother, Kushina, had gotten sick. The doctors said it was breast cancer. 

His father, Minato, helped her as much as possible with her chemotherapy, but things weren't working out like planned. She wasn't getting any better and it was taking a toll on the whole family. Minato had spent his free time in the hospital or drinking, and Naruto had gotten a part-time job, to help pay for the medical bills.

Sadly, Kushina passed away about 7 months into her chemotherapy treatment, leaving the two blonds alone with a ton of medical bills and broken hearts.

By the time the bills were finally paid off and things were finally starting to look up for the pair, Minato died in a car accident. He had been drunk driving and drove into a river.

Summer Love [NARUHINA AU]Where stories live. Discover now