Summer Love - 3

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Hinata was revising her notes, trying to learn everything before her exams next week. She was sitting down in the recliner in Boruto's room, whilst the boy slept in his car shaped bed. It was a fiery red colour, with a race car motive on the side. He was taking his afternoon nap after lunch.

The midnight blue haired girl looked up from her notes, watching her son's even breaths as he slept. He had a Winnie the Poo teddy bear in his hands, cuddling it close to his chest.

The Hyuga pushed his hair off his forehead, caressing it softly. She couldn't imagine her life without the little boy anymore. He pushed her to become the best version of herself and better herself with every opportunity she had.

The door to the baby blue painted room, revealing Neji, who's eyes softened at the sight of his cousin and her son. He walked into the room and sat down on the floor, next to the recliner. His lips curled up into a soft smile, knowing how much Hinata cared about the only blond haired Hyuga ever born into the family. 

"Mrs. Tsunade is coming over tonight, to discuss your internship at the hospital." The older Hyuga said, watching the way his cousin caressed Boruto's hair

"Oh, I thought that was happening tomorrow." She said and gave her cousin a close eyed smile. Her family has helped her balance her life and raising her son, whilst still studying to become a doctor.

"You've been misplacing days more lately." He replied.

Neji never got along with his cousins or uncle before Boruto was born. He was forced to live with his uncle and cousins after his own parents died. He intended to move out as soon as he was 18, but that all changed as soon as Hinata found out she was pregnant.

Neji stepped up to the occasion and helped her raise the little boy as much as possible. He was trying to be the father figure that Boruto lacked.

"Sorry for that. Everything has just been so hectic with school and Boruto and, I just shouldn't be complaining at all. I don't know what I would be doing if it wasn't for you guys helping me." Hinata said and looked down at the sheets, a deep frown emitting on her porcelan face.

"There's no need to thank us, Hinata. We're your family. We would do anything for you and Boruto. He may not look like he's one of us, but we love him nonetheless."

"He really doesn't look anything like a Hyuga." She agreed and laughed softly.

"Hinata! Lady Tsunade is here!" Hanabi's words rang through the big house. The two Hyugas both sat up straight and went towards the drawing room of the house. Hinata softly closed her son's room behind them and followed Neji to the drawing room.

The three Hyuga children bowed down to the head of the Konoha hospital, showing their respect for the high ranking woman of the city.

"Good afternoon Lady Tsunade. Would you like some tea and biscuits?" Hanabi asked and smiled as the woman nodded her head and gave them all one of her signature smiles.

The busty woman sat down on one of the sofas in the drawing room and motioned to the younger Hyugas to take seat. "I'm guessing you two know why I'm here, especially you Hinata." She added.

The 19 year old nodded her head and smiled at the head doctor. "Of course, lady Tsunade. I hope you're bringing some good news about the internship."

"In fact, i am. I have a position open, where you would be working as a medical assistant next to my godson." The blonde said, giving Hanabi a smile once she gave her a cup of tea and added some biscuits.

Hinata's breath hitched at the mention of the Senju's godson. There would be no escaping him if she accepted the position, but she honestly didn't know if she'd ever get another opportunity like this again. The Hospital was already at full capacity and they rarely took in students from the university. The students usually had to look for work experience in neighbour cities or at private hospitals. The opportunity, along with her busy schedule because of school and her son, was enough to convince her.

"I-it would be great, lady Tsunade. I can't thank you enough for this opportunity." Hinata said and bowed her head, feeling thankful for knowing the Senju.

"You are one of the top students at the University, Hinata. There is nobody else that I would rather have working alongside me and my co-workers. And let's not even mention you being able to study and raising a child without his father."

"I honestly couldn't do it without my family. They have been a great help in helping me raise Boruto."

"I've never noticed how similar his name is to my godson's." Tsunade said suddenly and laughed loudly. Hinata joined in with the laughing, with an awkward laugh, not knowing how else to react to this.

"Never noticed, either." Hinata said quietly.

Tsunade always talked about Naruto and his successful life in Tokyo w'to her father, so the midnight blue haired girl heard about his progress in life on the regular.

"I can't wait for him to meet you, Hinata. I have a feeling you two will get along just beautifully. Maybe he's gonna be Mr. Right for you." The Senju continued and smirked at Hinata, who turned a crimson red colour at the words the woman had spoken.

'If only you knew' she thought and laughed awkwardly at her words.

Neji snorted as soon as Tsunade mentioned Mr. Right for Hinata. The male Hyuga was prepared to push away every single man that even dared to look in his cousin's way. He was no fan of people trying to play games with his cousins since Hinata got played and coaxed into having sex with one.

Hinata didn't share much of her relationship with Boruto's father or what his name was. They definitely knew how he looked like, since Boruto looked so differently from his mother, but that's about it on what they know about it. It pissed Neji off that he wasn't able to protect his cousin to the best of his abilities. He didn't have a black belt in taekwondo and karate for nothing.

"Now enough about my godson. I expect you at the hospital at 8 o'clock in the morning tomorrow. Don't be late for your shift and we're gonna get along just great. Thank you for the tea and biscuits, Hanabi." Tsunade finished the conversation and gave each Hyuga a warm smile.

Naruto was Tsunade's and Jiraiya's pride and joy. They took a lot of pride in his success and just loved him overall. Hinata was at their house a few times with Naruto, when they weren't there and the house was full of pictures of Jiraiya and Tsunade, along with Naruto and his parents. There were also lots of his baby pictures all over the walls in their household.

Once the Senju left, the Hyugas all huffed out a breath of relief.

"There is something about that woman that scares me more than that Chucky doll from Spencers." Hanabi said and threw herself over the couch in the living room. Her long hair was tied in a low pony tail, hanging off the couch due to its length.

Neji agreed with her and sat down on the love seat on the right of the couch. He looked at his youngest cousin with amusement clearly written on his face. He loved her quirkiness a lot, which was surprising since he wasn't really that type of person.

Hinata sat down on the floor, leaning her back on the couch. "I can't agree more with you. She's so nice, yet I would never dare to say something wrong in her presence."

"Did you know she beat up a guy that tried to hit her up at the bar?"

"Yeah, I heard he had to go to the hospital because she broke his nose."

"Stop gossiping. She could still be listening outside."

"Good luck to you and your sanity once you start working with her."

"Oh, shut it you two."


I really enjoy writing this story. It is making me so happy hahaha. I have also been thinking about posting a Prequel to this story. But can't do everything at once.

-Bored Pumpkin (TopsTheTommo)

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