Summer Love - 4

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The Hyuuga girl ran through the streets of Konoha, trying to get to the Hospital in time for her first shift as a medical assistant. Her hair was tied in a low pony tail, hoping to secure the hair for the day.

Hinata opened the door to the Hospital and was met by two blondes and a black head, who were all staring at her. She was breathing heavily from running so much, but Boruto wanted her to read him a story before she left, so it made her run a bit later than she would've wanted it to.

"I apologise for being late. I had to take care of some things at home before I left. They took longer than I intended them to." She apologised to one of the blondes, who was the head of the Hospital, Tsunade Senju.

Next to her stood the children's doctor, Shizune Katō. She was Boruto's doctor and always took excellent care of him. He always got a lollipop after being good at a medical visit with her.

"It's no trouble at all, Hinata. Come, meet my nephew. Naruto, this is Hyuga Hinata. She is part of a very influential family here in Konoha. One of the top students at the University and also very much single." The busty woman introduced, whispering the last part to Naruto.

Sadly, both women around them heard it, making Hinata's face turn a bright red colour, whilst Shizune giggled in the back of her hand.

Naruto's smile widened at the information he'd received from his godmother and laughed casually. "We've actually met before. It's good to see you again, Hinata."

It seemed like Naruto was purposely ignoring the conversation they had over a cup of coffee the other day. He was determined to waltz back into his first love's life without much trouble.

"Oh, I didn't know that. Well you two go get to know each other more. Mr. Gekkō needs a sponge bath in room 243. His girlfriend is in there as well, so don't get a scare if she seemingly appears out of nowhere. Believe me, it's happend to me before. I had to clean the blood off the walls for a week."

Naruto paled at the mention of blood on the walls. "Where did the blood come from?" He asked, looking into Tsunade's soft brown eyes.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." She casually said and pulled Shizune towards another medical room, where a patient was talking to a copy of himself loudly. Hinata wasn't really listening but she caught the phrase "This is what youth is all about!" multiple times out of the loud conversation.

Hinata rushed in front of Naruto, trying to avoid any unnecessary conversations with him. The blond haired boy quickly walked behind her, making his steps bigger a than usual. He easily caught up with Hinata due to hers being so much shorter than his.

"Hinata, no need to run from me." He said and caught her wrist in his hand. He spun the shorter girl around and smiled down at her. "I got you."

The Hyugas face turned a deep red colour again, even more than before. Her body was pressed against Naruto's as he held her wrists in his hands.

"Please let me go, Naruto." She whispered. Her lavender eyes hardened and she gave him a hard glare. It took a lot of energy for her to actually glare at someone this harshly, even more now that it was someone she used to love dearly.

The Uzumaki slowly released Hinata from his grip. His face featured a frown, which was quite unusual for him, since he was known as a sunshine kind of person.

"I'm sorry for touching you, Hinata." He said, his usually bright blue eyes darkening at the thought of hurting the lavender eyed girl. "I-I know you don't want to hear any of my excuses, but I don't plan on  giving up on us just yet Hinata, believe it!" He said and the frown turned into one of his usual big smiles.

Summer Love [NARUHINA AU]Where stories live. Discover now