Summer Love - 1

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Hinata's head shot up from lying on top of the books on her desk. She had fallen asleep whilst studying last night The sun was shinning into the room, not even the curtains holding the light out of the spacious room.

The reason she woke up though, wasn't because of the lighting in the room. It was the voice of her son, who was calling her name. "Mommy, mommy, wake up." He called out to her, pulling on the edge of her long dress.

The Hyuga girl blinked in surprise. She tried blinking the sleep away, whilst smiling down at the little toddler. "Good morning Boruto." She said and picked him up so that he could sit on her lap.

"How did you sleep, love?" Hinata asked him, running her hands through her soft blond locks.

"It was okay. Aunty Hanabi tucked me in and she even read me a bedtime story." He replied, his face held one of his character goofy smiles.

"I'm sorry I wasn't home to read you one myself. I had an evening lecture and then had to study for my exams." Hinata said. She had been managing most of the raising but since she had started University, she hasn't been around as much as she would have liked to be.

"It's fine mommy. Just don't overwork yourself."

It was remarkable how well Boruto spoke. He was very intelligent for his age and spoke with a very advanced vocabulary for his age. Hinata honestly blamed her father for it. He had raised both her and Hanabi, along with her cousin Neji, to have a very advanced vocabulary.

"I promise I won't. Let's go get you some breakfast. I'm sure you're hungry." She replied and picked him up, carrying the bundle of joy to the open kitchen of the house.

Hiashi, Hanabi and Neji were sitting behind the dinning table, all eating breakfast. Hanabi was writing something in a notebook, Hiashi was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, whilst Neji was eating his eggs slowly.

Boruto jumped out of his mother's embrace and ran over to the seated Hyugas. He sat down on a free chair and hit his small hands on the table. "Good morniiiing." He said loudly, making all of the seated Hyugas look up. Each of them gave the small boy a smile and Neji stood up, giving Boruto his breakfast that he made earlier.

Hinata was overjoyed that they had already taken care of breakfast and got herself a fruit bowl. She sat down next to her family and watched her son eat his food eagerly. "Don't eat too fast Boruto. You're going to get a stomach ache." The young boy nodded his head at her words and started eating slower.

The silence which followed was broken by the head of the house. He put his newspaper down and looked at his older daughter. "I ran into Tsunade at the grocery store the other day." He started. Hinata chocked on some of the fruit and coughed it out onto a tissue. She motioned for him to continue once all of the eyes were on her.

"As I was saying. She and I chatted for a bit and she mentioned that her godson is coming to live with her and Jiraiya. Apparently, the boy has had enough of living in Tokyo and since his parents died recently, he wants to attend the University here in Konoha. He's your age from what I know." He finished and drank his coffee again.

The thing was, Hinata's father didn't know about the identity of her son's father. Nobody did. He's never even met Naruto and probably just assumed that the boy was coming to live with his godparents for the first time in his life. Hinata gulped at his words, not knowing what she would do once she saw Naruto again.

The last three years have been fairly quiet for her. Most of the town knew she had gotten pregnant at such a young age. No guy dared turn her attention whenever she was walking around with her kid. She didn't have that many friend, since most people her age judged her for getting pregnant with a guy, who she wasn't even married to.

Hinata's never revealed to anyone, who Boruto's father was and she knew that it was the best decision she has ever made.

"T-That's good. I hope he likes it here."

"What's there not to like here? It's so much better than Tokyo." Neji cut into their conversation. He had spent a year in Tokyo just last year and he hugged his cousins and uncle almost to death once he returned.

"Apparently the boy wants to become a surgeon. Tsunade offered him a spot at the University and one as a medical assistant in the children's department at the hospital." Hiashi continued and turned his attention back to the newspaper he had been reading.

Hanabi turned her attention from her notebook to the conversation and smiled brightly. "That means he's gonna be helping Doctor Shizune with Boruto if he get's sick, right?" She asked and ruffled her nephew's hair.

The golden haired boy giggled and tried prying her hand off his hair.

"Seems like it." Hinata murmured and started eating again. Her thoughts were filled with the boy she had given her virginity to. There was no doubt that it was Naruto they were talking about.

Just thinking about all the hidden kisses, soft touches and moments she had spent with the Uzumaki, was making her soft skin turn red. A soft blush coated her cheeks, thinking about the way he would always say her name or the way he had caressed her, when she was vulnerable.

"Hinata, could you go get some groceries? I'll take Boruto to the park, so that he can play with Mirai. Kurenai told me at work that the girl's been talking about it non stop." Neji said, pinching Boruto's cheek softly.

"Yeah sure, I'll leave after breakfast." Hinata replied and hid her face with her long midnight blue hair. Once she finished her breakfast, she gave her son a kiss on his forehead and washed her bowl from breakfast.

Hinata dressed into a simple dress with a simple flower pattern on it. She took her car to the grocery store and parked in the parking lot. The Hyuga girl was lost in her thoughts as she took a grocery cart from the row of them. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings.

Suddenly, her cart hit another one. She quickly tried apologising, finally looking up from the cart. Her lavender eyes widened as she saw the person in front of her.

"Long time no see, Hinata."


This story won't be that long. Probably only 15-20 chapters. Hope you liked this chapter.

-Bored Pumpkin (TopdTheTommo)

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