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Hinata walked around the Hyūga house quietly, her bare legs brushing against the cold wooden floor. The 19 year old had just returned from university, her hands holding a few books in them.

"Hinata, oi. I just put Boruto to sleep. No need to worry about how you're gonna study for the finals with him around no more." Her sister, Hanabi, said.

Her 16 year old sister was always around to help her, since she was homeschooled and honestly had nothing better to do than take care of her nephew all day.

"Thank you Hanabi. I hope he didn't cause much trouble whilst i was gone." The older one of the two sisters said, putting her books on the desk in her room.

"He was an angel. Now, go study. You can't become a doctor if you don't pass your exams." Hanabi said and pushed her sister into her room, closing the door behind her.

Things were always so hard around the Hyūga house. The tension in the air couldn't even be cut with a knife.

Hiashi Hyūga, Hinata's father, glared at his daughter any chance he got. If it weren't for her sister and cousin, who insisted on helping raise the bundle of joy that was known as Boruto, she would have probably ended up on the streets.

It happened just 3 years ago, during one summer when Hinata just turned 16. She met a boy, who had sun kissed hair, along with the eyes of the ocean. His carefree personality was something that drew them closer, until they finally fell in love.

His name was Naruto.

The boy was visiting his godfather and godmother for the summer. He never expected to fall in love there with someone as beautiful as Hinata, but it happened.

Naruto met her his first week in Konoha, when he was teaching his younger neighbour how to skateboard in the park. The boy was quite known around town, since he was the grandson of the mayor, Sarutobi Hiruzen. His grandson Konohamaru instantly clicked with Naruto and convinced the 17 year old to teach him how to skateboard.

Hinata had just been walking their family dog through the park, when she fell over a skateboard in the middle of the pathway.

Before she could stand up, a boy with sky blue eyes was asking her if she was okay, helping her stand up.

Once the sky blue eyes and the pale lavender eyes met, they couldn't look away from one another.

The two teenagers became friends almost instantly and soon after, lovers.

They knew their time was limited, because Naruto would be returning to Tokyo at the end of summer. That's why before he left, Hinata gave him something that she was planning on giving away on her honeymoon.

They spent their last night together, promising to write each other once the school year started, but it never happened. Naruto returned home to Tokyo the day after, planning on leaving the summer romance behind.

He never knew that he left Hinata with something more than just memories of their summer.

The young Hyūga became pregnant with his child at 16. He never came back to visit Konoha. His godfather and godmother usually just went to visit him, instead of him coming to the small city.

Nine months after, a boy with sun kissed hair was born, with eyes that were identical to his father. It pained Hinata to see him looking so much like his father, but she loved him nonetheless. He even had the same whisker shaped birthmarks on his face.

Her father, Hiashi, was outraged with her once he found out. If it weren't for Hanabi and Neji, he would've thrown her out for disgracing the family with such an awful act. Now, he was rarely seen without his grandson around him.

Hiashi adored Boruto and spoiled him rotten. The little boy had the cold hearted man wrapped around his fingers. If it wasn't for her family, Hinata wouldn't be able to pull off going to a medical university and raising a 2 year old, who was a hyperactive goofball. He still couldn't believe his daughter became a teenage mother, but he honestly loved his grandson a lot.

Whenever Hinata thought of Naruto, her heart clenched. Even after putting her through all of this, even after she sent him a letter, telling him she was pregnant without getting a reply, she couldn't seem to hate him. He helped her come out of her shell more than any of her friends and family ever could.

Things were finally starting to become good again. Hinata was moving on from Naruto and she was happy to live her life away from him.

But not everything was as good as it seemed to be.


Welcome to my new story. It is written as an AU! Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it.

-Bored Pumpkin (TopsTheTommo)

Summer Love [NARUHINA AU]Where stories live. Discover now