Bonus Chapter (1) : Tanjiro Finds Himself in Love with Kanao After All

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Inosuke still refused to speak with Tanjiro.

It had been three days since he asked Inosuke to make a decision, whether he would follow Tanjiro or stay with Aoi. The beast breathing user needed some time to quench his anger and Tanjiro didn't dare to question him.

Currently, he was sitting on the roof, gazing at the moon. Tanjiro couldn't lie and say he didn't feel bad for Inosuke and Aoi.

He wondered if there were better options to leave the girls without hurting them. Initially, he had been considering to move somewhere close, but the apprentinces would still be able to visit them.

Plus, he had been pondering upon the abandoned graves of his own family.

There were probably grass, troublesome weeds and shrubs growing on the burial sites. Tanjiro was feeling guilty for not taking care of his family's graves properly, as they would if it was him who died.

He had also longed to pray and bless the bodies of his dead family members with flowers.

Tanjiro knew it was cruel of him to corner Inosuke into choosing between only two options, but at least he gave him a choice. Inosuke's decision to follow Tanjiro was made on his own independent mind without anyone's interference.

Feeling bad, Tanjiro exhaled in frustration.

Thinking of the love that existed between Aoi and Inosuke, Tanjiro contemplated about his own feelings. Inosuke was the least person who believed or even understood love, but his bold personality would catch things that he wanted.

Even if it was a person who bewitched his heart.

The concept of romantic love was an arduous thing for Tanjiro to understand. His first exposure of love was based on his family. He was too young to witness the romance that existed between his mother and father, but it shouldn't be an excuse for him.

Inosuke literally grew up deprived of any human company, but he was confident with himself being in love with the headstrong Aoi Kanzaki.

Tanjiro delved deep into his thoughts, submerging himself in memories of the girls he met in his life.

Most of them were already lifted up to heaven, and some were still living. He recalled the names of the girls who made huge impacts in his life.

Shinobu. Mitsuri. Tamayo. Makomo. Nezuko. Aoi. Suma. Hinatsuru. Makio.

And, Kanao Tsuyuri.


If he had to choose the intensity of love he had towards the girls, Kanao simply occupied a special place in his heart.

Despite growing up in such a loveless environment, Kanao grew up to be a kind and brave woman. She became a demon slayer to defend humans who were once cruel to her.

She was the core reason why Tanjiro returned from his brief life as a demon, prepared to sacrifice her only good eye.

On top of that, she was an attractive woman. Her straight long hair was always seen swaying in the air, following the wind's direction. Butterflies liked to surround her, an image of her desirable personality who people found it hard to resist.

Suddenly, his heart began to involuntarily race underneath his chest. He felt a little shy, blushing and getting hot. He knew Kanao would be flustered to hear his thoughts.

As if his mind was playing tricks on him, a sudden voice croaked, "Tanjiro-san?"

Kanao appeared on the roof with her usual purple pyjamas, her bangs swaying and stupefying Tanjiro in his seat.

B. L. U. E. (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi // Kimetsu no Yaiba)Where stories live. Discover now