Chapter 16: This Side of Inosuke

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Three weeks passed after she was rescued from the demon child's lair, but Aoi's arm was still healing. The poison that was injected into her bloodstream through its teeth was proven lethal to humans, but Kanao managed to concoct an antidote by referring to Aoi's pharmaceutical notebook.

She had brought the other girls to the Butterfly Mansion. Now, both Aoi and Kanao were officially having new apprentices, each with their own unique looks and personalities. It had been some time since the manor was bursting with chirps and chatters of people.

Aoi had forgotten how much she enjoyed hearing women gossip, especially when they would start whispering and gasping, talking about innapopriate topics that were deemed a taboo for females.

During the morning, the sherry light of dawn was covered by a number of heavy snow clouds. The weather was freezing to the bones.

Kanao and the girls however, were snuggled up comfortably in their blanket, sleeping in.

Much to Aoi's surprise, Inosuke, Tanjiro and Zenitsu were still nowhere to be seen. She suspected that they decided to stay the night at one of the closest town's inn.

She had requested for them to pay a visit to a certain pharmacist in the nearby village, asking them to buy some specific herbs to make new concoctions.

She was also trying to make a packed schedule to train the new apprentices. She wanted them to become well-skilled in the field of medicine.

Although the Butterfly Mansion was left with a huge amount of savings from its residents' salary, both living and dead, Aoi knew they would have to struggle for money sooner or later.

Aoi opened the manor again and they began receiving plenty of patients, especially during the winter season.

The weather caused the people to be bombarded with cold and fever. Pregnant women, old parents and little kids never ceased from visiting the manor.

Aoi was not supposed to get out of bed yet, but as she watched the others who were still asleep, she couldn't bear to wake them up. After all, she knew how exhausting it could be to manage the manor alone for Kanao, albeit it should be a piece of cake for Aoi.

She had been used to the high and lows of the Butterfly Mansion, even though she was not a tsuguko.

Not getting trained to fight demons gave her plenty of time to learn the ways of the world, even if it was something simple as paying taxes and growing herbs.

As she peeled the potatoes in the kitchen, watching the snowflakes gathering at the panels of the window, she wondered when the boys would be back. She was preparing to cook a light breakfast for the residents and planned to serve some snacks for the oncoming visitors.

Fifteen minutes later, she washed the potatoes and arranged them neatly on the counter, taking out a kitchen knife and the cutter. She bought a new one, bigger and thicker since Inosuke had basically destroyed the one she initially had.

Aoi sighed, seeing mist coming out of her nose and mouth.

The melancholic mood of the morning didn't stop her from getting lost in thoughts. She pondered upon how much the manor had changed since Lady Shinobu's death.

Her personal growth as a pharmacist whose skills had even surpassed Kanao's, having brought in new apprentice to give them a new start in life, hiring those boys to help her with errands and—even spending each night with Inosuke warming her up during this cold winter.

Reflexively, she blushed at her memories, not believing that she used her wounds as an excuse to have him near her.

Aoi had never imagined that she would grow so attached to this wild boar-headed man who didn't even understand what manners were once.

B. L. U. E. (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi // Kimetsu no Yaiba)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ