Chapter 1: The Aftermath of Muzan

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When she was informed that the Ubuyashiki mansion exploded, several crows were sent to the Butterfly Mansion, telling the helpers to prepare for the injured.

The final battle between Muzan and the demon slayers had begun.

This meant that Aoi could lose those she loved anytime soon. Shinobu had already passed her pharmaceutical book to Aoi, asking her to be the successor. Kanao could die if she wasn't careful enough.

She could be left alone. Those three boys that she treated and grown to love could get hurt. Tanjiro. Zenitsu.

And Inosuke, the one who would always sneak around and steal food.

No matter how much they annoyed her, she wanted nothing but them to be back safe and sound. She understood that these demon slayers were fighting to defend the humans, something that she could never do.

However, she was afraid that she might not be able to do her job well.

The Butterfly Mansion was lit in the middle of the night, the girls inside were running here and there trying to prepare the manor for those who were injured in battle.

Aoi was told that the demon slayers would try holding Muzan until the sunlight would destroy him. In the meantime, those who were wounded would be tended on the spot before being brought here to be treated.

In charge, Aoi wanted to make sure that she was able to carry on Shinobu's legacy as a medicine expert.

She opened a closet in the store and took out the necessary tools to pass to the three other assistants.

"Sumi-chan, Kiyo-chan, take these blankets and arrange them on the beds in room four, five and six. If they're too heavy, carry as much as you can first and come take the rest later."

"Okay, Aoi-chan!"

The two girls, although small, tried to lift all the blanket at once and ran to the rooms to do their work.

"Good. Now, Naho-chan, make sure all the bowls in each room is filled with lukewarm water. Take these cloths and fold them near the bowls."

"I'll try my best, Aoi-chan!"

Naho quickly nodded and reached for the bowls, surprisingly light in her hands. She wasted no time and made her way out, understanding how crucial the situation was.

Aoi was in Shinobu's research room as she was trying to use the time she had left to prepare the necessary medicines to treat both minor and major wounds. She was lucky because the herb plants that she tended were in full bloom.

She was exhausted, having to pick out those herbs, mix, crush and mince them, look at the remedy books left by Shinobu and concoct simple to complex medicine.

She couldn't ask the three other assistants to help her since they were young, so she had to take all the task by herself.

Aoi's chest was puffing and her temples were sweating. A part of her was scared that she would fail, another part of her was worried for the demon slayers.

She hadn't yet mastered the skills that Shinobu tried to teach her. The pillar wasn't usually in the mansion and lately, she was busy with Lady Tamayo, which caused Aoi to take it upon herself to study medicine.

Still in her apprentice stage, she didn't know that she would have to practice her skills at this instant.

But, she could not fall. She would not lose. People needed her.

Upon seeing Aoi's sharp frown and her wrinkled forehead, a Kakushi walked over to her and tapped on Aoi's shoulder.

"Kanzaki-san, do not falter. Only you can do this!" she cheered, unable to see Aoi demotivated.

B. L. U. E. (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi // Kimetsu no Yaiba)Where stories live. Discover now