Chapter 25: The Common Life of the Hashibira Family

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A/N: Surprise! This is the final official chapter for this book. The upcoming two chapters after this one will be specials for Tankana and Zennezu shippers. Then, the epilogue. Thank you for sticking this far, lovely readers.

For a few years, Aoi was adamant to keep herself from getting hitched to anyone, ever.

However, after having Inosuke as her husband, there was nothing sweeter than waking up next to the person she was in love with.

Although it was too early during dawn and Aoi couldn't see past the darkness, she heard the sounds of Inosuke's snores. The small gesture of feeling the presence of a person next to her was enough to remind Aoi that she wasn't alone anymore.

Pushing the blanket off her body, Aoi stood up and nudged Inosuke, asking him to wake up. "Inosuke, it's already morning," she reminded, shaking his arm.

Inosuke groaned, pushed Aoi away and grabbed her blanket. He mumbled, "Good night."

Aoi was tempted to slap him awake, but she was a wife, and a woman such as her should be gentle to her husband.

She moved to the other side and touched his face lightly. "Get up, Inosuke. or I won't fix your hair today," she threatened.

Inosuke's hair had gotten long, but he had never learned how to tie his own hair up. Upon hearing the warning, his body jolted up in response as he rubbed his eyes groggily.

He yawned and murmured, "I'm awake. I'm awake now."

"Good. I'll come back later, okay?" Aoi said as she gave a peck on her husband's cheek. Inosuke felt his face inclining towards her lips, wishing that she would stay there forever, but once Aoi stood up, he fell on the empty air.

After bathing and dressing up, Aoi went out to prepare the manor for visitors and customers. She woke all the helpers, apprentices and nurses up, helped to prepare breakfast and made sure all the medicine were prepared. As the sun was rising over the horizon, she walked over to the entrance and opened the gate.

Aoi inhaled in excitement, enjoying the calm morning air.

Strolling back into the manor, her eyesight jumped to the window of the room she shared with Inosuke and wondered if her husband had finished getting prepared.

She informed the helpers to call her if anyone had arrived and went to check on Inosuke.

Surprisingly, he was still asleep!

The wife exhaled in frustration and put her balled fists on the hips as she took upon the sight of Inosuke snoring, his clothes untied and arms spread, occupying the whole futon. His mouth was open as he dreamed of fighting stronger opponent.

"Wow, aren't you a little too comfortable?" Aoi mocked as she sauntered to the window.

In a split second, the slid the curtains open and let the sunlight stream in, hitting Inosuke's face. He felt a sudden wave of heat warming his face and the blackness of his closed eyes turned dark red.

He blinked open and felt shocked to detect bright light blinding his vision. Upholding his hand in the air, he saw Aoi and mumbled, "Can you please close the curtains? I'm trying to sleep."

Feeling a muscle twitch, Aoi raised a brow and scolded, "What do you mean you're trying to sleep? The kids will arrive in thirty minutes, Inosuke! You better get up or I'll scream at you until you're tired of my voice."

"But it's still early..."

She crossed her arms over her chest. The sun was already high up on the sky. "Are you kidding me?"

B. L. U. E. (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi // Kimetsu no Yaiba)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن