Chapter Seventeen

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Adrian POV:

There's something different, she's still pale and scarily sexy looking but her eyes... her eyes are less red as if she's the old Rose but she's not.

"What are you doing here?"

"What? Can I not enjoy a night out with my boys?"

"Which one? You seemed happily in love with that bloke the other night"

"Oh baby, jealously ruins you come, let's dance". Rose extends her hand towards me, Christian is still stood speechless.

I don't want to make a scene, so I take Roses hand and let her lead me to the ballroom where many couples are dancing. Trouble with ballrooms is it's not your average club moves, it's more like slow and steady dancing - knowing Rose she's got something up her sleave. I take her waist and draw her in, her arms are around my neck and we begin moving in slow motions around the room. I look to the corner of my eye and see Christian getting his phone out, obviously to call Dimitri or Lissa and alert them.

"He dancers, thought you was more of stand to the side and watch kind of guy" she says

"It's not like I had an actual choice now was it?".

"Mhmm, you smell good" she says as she sniffs my neck.

"What now? You eat me? Or worse take my choice and turn me into your little bitch so i can spend the rest of my eternity following you around?".

"Wittiness, I like this side of you - it's fun".

The tempo to the music picks up, it's more of a tango then the classic ballroom dancing. Rose starts grinding up on me, she planned this I can see it in her eyes, and it's not like I have a choice, I can't fight her at least not here so I go along with it.
If she wasn't strigoi I would make love to her right now, the way her body moves... it's something I've never seen before, she's so confident with every step, but wait! Who's this coming over to steal her from me? It's that man from the other night, James I think?

James comes over and takes Rose's hand and spins her into his arms, slowly his hands trail down her arms to her waist, he pulls her closer and she pops her leg to his waist as he tilts her back, giving him another opportunity to run his hand down her cleavage! She turns to me, and begins dancing with me again - it's like something out the musical movies where two men are fighting over a women through dance.

James disappears into the crowd who are standing idley by watching us with appreciation. I turn my head ever so slightly to see Dimitri and Lissa run over to where Christian is standing with the other guardians who we ditched earlier, pointing my way.
Dimitri signals to the musicians to stop playing, Rose grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd and through the back of the casino. Why do I feel like this? Like I have this urge I can't fight, It's something familiar but I can't seem to put my finger on it.

Rose takes me out the back of the casino and down the street with few lamp posts, it's quiet away from noise with few people passing by.
She pins me against a wall, she grabs me by the collar of my shirt with one hand and wraps my tie in the other, she presses her lips against my own, gifting me with a powerful and lustful kiss tongues included, she lets go of my tie and starts unbuttoning my shirt - it feels as if I'm being controlled, I know the feeling all too well, she's compelling me!

I try to fight the compulsion, the only reason I've gotten this far without completely falling under her spell is because of spirit but I've had far too much to drink tonight to completely fight her off.
My shirt is completely unbuttoned, she grabs my tie again and shifts my head to the left, she's kissing my neck and nibbling it but it's starting to itch, I realise just then that her fangs are beginning to penetrate my skin - She's feeding off me!

"Quick, I saw them go this way" I heard a voice approaching.

"No! Rose stop!" Said Dimitri as he took a stake to Rose's shoulder, ensuring he didn't kill her or stab straight through into me.

"Fuck!!" Hissed Rose, she let me go by throwing me into a wall, I hit my head and everything started to turn black...

I must have fell unconscious because I woke up in a hospital for the moroi with no knowledge of what happened other than seeing Rose.

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