Chapter Thirteen

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Dimitri POV:


"Princess, you must leave the planning to the guardians, we are trained for this. I know you have been getting information out of the guards using compulsion and I know you know where she'll be but it is vital that all goes to plan tonight".

"I couldn't help it, she's always been there for me, I can't just sit here and wait like a good little girl - I'm ready. You have trained me hard for this over these last two weeks!" Lissa said.

"Liss, please listen to him - it's dangerous" Christian noted.

"Well whilst you lot are bickering we are wasting time. I need to go to the feeders - it would be wise for you both to join me! It's best if we're all at our strongest tonight" Adrian said.

"Princess, he is right, go feed - knowing Rose you'll need full strength".
"There, there she is! Look at her, she looks like the Rose we know and shes alone!" Lissa said practically giddy.

"Princess, wait! She's not the Rose we know, take a seat you three, we are here to watch and learn and stay out of sight".

She looks good, that dress fits her in ways only she could pull off. Watching her, knowing what she's planning - it's bringing all sorts of bad memories back but I can't help but feel sorry for her because with the power and strength comes the hunger and she'll never forgive herself.

"What, what she doing? She's taking that man outside. She's going to kill him, we need to act now" Lissa said barking orders.

"I agree, let's go" Adrian said getting up.

"Wait! We will go around back and watch, but we cannot under any circumstances approach. If we are going to do this, we need the element of surprise, if your not going to listen then we will have to leave it go the guardians and I can't promise she'll be saved".

I had to sound harsh, otherwise they wouldn't listen. I want nothing more than to turn Rose back but I can't have these 3 messing the plan up, they haven't got any experience with strigoi or any tactical planning skills - they will be killed.

We snuck round back, I can see her she's luring the gentleman with her womanly talents but wait... "get back, she's not alone, there's another strigoi" I pushed them further back and told them to stay quiet.

"What's happening? I can't see" Adrian said trying to push his way to see.

"I don't know, they are talking, I can't hear them from here" I watched with fascination, waiting and observing her every move. "They are feeding, both them".

"We can't let them kill him, it's wrong" Christian said.

"If we approach now, we'll be killed now I said get back!"

I understand their frustration, it's hard to imagine Rose being anything other than the Rose we all know and love but it's not her, not right now. I remember it all too well... shit, I recognise him, he's the bastard she was fighting with, he's the one who turned her! I felt a surge of anger but I can't give in to it.

They are getting too close for comfort, they are practically having sex in an alley!
Watching that mans hands all over her, ripping her underwear off and sliding his hands up her dress, knowing all to well the warmth and firmness of what she harbours between those legs of hers. The screams of pleasure coming from her plump lips - it makes my stomach turn knowing that should be me, if only I have put aside my pride...

"Not on my watch" Adrian pushed past Dimitri, intending to stop what they were doing. "She's my girlfriend".

Fuck, he slipped past me - I was too absorbed in what she was doing with that man to notice not just Adrian but Lissa and Christian follow Adrian's lead, bad move on my part.

Rose POV:


I turned around to see Adrian, Lissa, Christian, Dimitri and some other guardians who were lingering in the back - stakes at the ready.

"Classy Rose, real classy" commented Christian.

"More 'friends' of yours Rose?" James said, disappointed that he barely got it in.

I saw multiple signs of emotion come across their faces, especially Adrian and Dimitri - anger, frustration, sadness, embarrassment and a little excitement.

"Friends? Maybe once, but now? No" I said to James as I pushed him off me and stepped into the light revealing my red ringed eyes and blood stained face.
Lissa practically wet herself, Adrian stood shocked and well Christian, he was just Christian - but what amused me more than anything was Dimitri, how he put his head in his hands.

"Oh come on, don't look away Dimitri, after all you more than anyone know the feeling, the taste of warm blood sliding down your neck, the sexual hunger that comes with it too".

"Oh I see, you were intimate with each other, explains why he hasn't killed you yet" said James.

"I wouldn't call a quick fuck intimacy and no, they want to turn me back into a dhampir isn't that right? Come to save poor Rose from her tragic fate - well I don't want it."

"Turn you back?" James said sounding more confused then ever as he to stepped into the light, adjusting his trousers.

"We'll get to that later. Now, who wants to be turned first? How about you Adrian? I'm sure your just dying to get back into my good books so I might fuck you, or better yet let's do it now, you've always been into that kinky shit and plus it sure in hell will piss off Mr stressy over there" I laughed at their faces.

"Enough! This isn't you Rose, let me help you - I can turn you back and all will go back to how they use to be" Lissa replied, patiently putting her hand out.

"Ha, I don't want that - do you think it was run having to protect your arse 24/7, always putting your needs above my own or being ditched so you can play wife to Mr perfect? Well no thank you, I am free of you and I intend to keep it that way. Don't even get me started on the on and off love we shared Dimitri, because your too scared to damage your precious reputation so instead you fuck me and take my virginity in a old shed, talk about shame, maybe Adrian is right - you are a pathetic accuse for a man. Oh and Adrian, I never did love you, i was just using you as a pity fuck to get over Dimitri but don't get me wrong, the feelings were there, and it was good sex and you was fun to hang around with when I needed to forget but maybe it's time to move on hun". I grabbed James' hand and stepped back into the darkness.

"I have said all thats needed to be said - and I have mercifully spared your lives out of good will but come looking for me again and I will kill you!" I said, as James and I used our speed to disappear into the night.

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