Chapter Seven:

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Lissa POV:

Not entirely sure how this argument turned aggressive - all I wanted to know was whether Dimitri had took advantage of Rise when he was strigio, I never meant for this to happen!

Stupid Christian, why did he have to break the news to Dimitri like that? He looks heartbroken and to make things worse, Adrian fired completely idiotic and disgusting comments about Rose to him - can he not see he's still in love with her, actually thinking about it, that's probably why he said those things!

"STOP IT" screamed Rose, "Dimitri get back" as Rose was pointing at him to move away from where Adrian was trying to get up - he couldn't have hit him that hard otherwise Adrian would probably be unconsious! "And you Adrian, I will not be spoken about like some common whore, how dare you! I thought you'd grown up" screamed Rose, now pointing at him.

"Rose... I'm sorry, I didn't know it was going to get out of hand, I thought he knew..." whispering Christian, but before he would finish, he was stopped when Rose gave him a deadly stare.

"Roza, please forgive me! I-I lost my temper, I should never have..." Dimitri said whilst approaching where Rose stood in the middle of everyone.

"NO, you should not have, how could you be so stupid! He's the queens nephew - you'd better hope, he can learn how to keep his mouth shut. Adrian, you will not tell anyone about this, if you hadn't said those horrible things then he wouldn't have punched you and if you Dimitri hadn't listened to them and stopped pretending like your cared then this would have NEVER happened. I am tired of being in the middle of everyone's drama, I'm not the fault here! You are all old enough to be responsible for your own actions and I am sick of putting everyone else's needs and happiness before my own - none of you understand, I'm j-j-just sick of it!" Rose screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to hold back her angry tears as she stormed out the door - swearing under her breath warning everyone not to follow her.

There was an awkward silence in the room after she left, everyone rethinking Rose's words and considering thfor own faults to her breakdown.

"Rose is right, this got completely out of hand and none of it was her fault, we were just all too self absorbed to realise it at the time! Christian, what we discuss is meant to be private - if you can't keep it to yourself then I will no longer share private information with you. Dimitri, you told Rose you didn't love her anymore, I can see you still do and although it's only recently come to light why she went looking for you - you hurt her and you need to fix it, what you did tonight was out of line. Finally, you Adrian need to sort yourself out, Rose isn't some toy you can play with and although I was rooting for you, you need to make it up to her and put this childish behaviour behind you and that includes your hatred towards Dimitri. We all need to make our amends, but I think tonight we need to leave Rose to calm down and tomorrow we come up with a plan to make this right! Now you'd all better take yourselves to your rooms before the doctors call security from all the shouting," I said with as much calmness as I could handle, I shoo'd them all out without even giving Christian a kiss goodbye.

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