Chapter Ten:

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Lissa POV:

It's been almost a week since the tragic incident, Dimitri is convinced Rose was turned strigoi and taken away, considering he went through a similar situation - I believe him. Dimitri has been on countless search parties, looking for Rose!
Adrian is heartbroken, I think he blames himself - Why? I dont know but he's spent most his nights locked in his room drunk of course and taking god knows what.

I've been working on my spirit magic, I dont know what happens to the bond once someone is turned strigoi but I'm working on a connection with Rose, I know dream walking is out of the equation as strigoi don't sleep but never the less, I still have to do something.
I've paid for numerous people to track down Rose but either they fail or simply just don't come back.

I'm worried, more worried then I've ever been.

Rose POV:

Any sympathy I ever held towards life is now gone. I am exploring my full potential as a strigoi.

I've mostly fed of humans as they are easy prey, whilst being out on a hunt it's only really ever been me and James so attacking moroi is out of the question although, I am dying to stick my teeth into anything other than a human - their blood is sometimes too sour or too salty, I think it's their diets or the alcohol in there systems due to the fact we only ever pick them up outside clubs, it's getting boring actually.

James as taken a particular interest in me - I think he's proud of turning me and shows me off as some kind of trophy, not that I'm complaining - he is handsome and I AM a bad ass, ever as strigoi!

"Rose look, there's a moroi" shouted James across the dance floor. We were in New York city, the city that never sleeps - we see lots of moroi but usually they have at least 3 or 4 dhampir guarding them but this one, looks as if she's neither royal nor rich and is with a party. There are a few dhampir around but each moroi only have 1 guarding them so it should be a easy target.

James and I entered the club through the back, the music was booming and I could feel the vibrations from the bass flow through me, it was exhilarating. "Come, let's dance", James suggested whilst taking my hand and pulling me to the dance, he was a good dancer - we were dancing for about an hour, slyly watching the moroi drink more and more alcohol, waiting for our perfect opportunity to pounce.

"It's time, the party is going it's seperate way, you wait here - she's going to the toilet" I said to James as we separated, him heading to the door to wait outside.
The girl nodded to ger gaurdian and proceeded to the bathroom where I followed her, making sure there was no one watching or any others in the toilet - once she had finished, she simply just stood there, looking at herself in the mirror.
I was stood in the shadows waiting to attack but she intreged me, so I watched her for a moment - she was a pretty girl, very slim and tall, long blonde hair that reminded of Lissa's.

The girl turned the tap on, I thought she was going to wash her hands but no, instead she tied her hair into a bun and splashed her face with the water, rubbing her make up off as if she'd only worn it to impress - she was a lot prettier without it, next she pulled out this sweatshirt and put it on, what was she doing?

I found myself taking a step closer, the light showing my red ringed eyes, I hadn't realised the light showed my reflection in the mirror - the next thing I knew, the moroi girl returned my stare, she stood there for a moment before letting out a scream and made her way to the door. I quickly leaped in front of her, slamming her to the wall while covering her mouth.

She was crying and something about that made me feel uneasy, I had no regard for human life anymore but something about this girl reminded me of my old life and it wasn't just the blonde hair.
Wait, what? Was I feeling emotion? It didnt matter, not with the pull of her carotid artery pulsing so strongly - I leaned in biting her neck hard, she let out a aroused moan as the endophrines rushed through her, even having her own in her fangs, she couldn't resist them of a strigoi.

"Serena, are you ok? You've been ages" a mans voice came through the closed door but I was too much in the moment, I couldn't stop... The taste, the taste was amazing I simply couldnt describe it!

"Are you decent? I'm coming in" the man's voiced sounded more anxious as he stepped through the door, revealing his moroi post slammed against the wall being fed on.

"Get off her" the dhampir man said as he grabbed me, partially throwing me to the floor, he quickly observed the girl noticing she was still breathing and then turned to me. Now stood up, the dhampir had full view of me, "R-Rose? Rose Hathaway, I heard but I didn't believe" said the dhampir.

I recognised him but didn't personally know him regardless, he was now in my way. I threw myself at him, instantly throwing him off, I think he had been a guardian for a long time because he had moves but, I don't think he expected me to match him though, only expecting me to be at a novice level.

The fight went on a while before reinforcements showed up obviously being noticed of a fight in the ladies bathroom, it was time for me to go - I was strong, fast and resourceful but I'm not stupid, I know I would soon be outnumbered so, I fled.

Fleeing to the back door, ensuring I stuck to the shadows I found James lurking around out back. "Have fun in there? I saw the mess you made" James said sarcastically.

"Let's get out of here before we get in more trouble"

"We? That was all you little girl, if you had just attacked straight away rather then waiting and alerting her guardian then you wouldn't have made such a mess"

"Oh shut up will you?" I said biting back to his sarcastic tone, as we disappeared into the darkness of the night

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