I DID it

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It was a normal day in the multiverse full of peaceful mornings and war torn afternoons. Kind of an oxymoron in a way but that was normal in this world. The multiverse was in a never ending cycle of war and peace. At the centre of all this chaos was a small and broken skeleton. One who was not just simply one, for they were multiple;A DID system.

One,Eliot, the host. He takes on the bodies given name and age and he is out the most often. He is a young man only in his twenties, charming yet sweet at heart. Next there Ellie. He's a little.

Then there is Error. He is a trauma holder and a persecutor. Error refuses to communicate with the others saying that what he does is only to protect them. But it isn't, he only causes pain and hurt to Eliot and Ellie.

Finally there is Emma an age slider from 20-25. As well as being the only alter in the system that is a human, she is the protector of the system. Her job is to ensure the safety of the body and the system inside and outside of the inner world.

These were the most prominent alters as the rest of them stayed in the inner world not wanting to front due to fear of their previous attackers.

Apart from having DID, most of them suffer with an additional burden unique to them. Emma suffers with dysphoria due to being a human in a skeletons body. Eliot has CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome and Error suffers with psychosis

Together, they all try to keep this hidden and try to live a normal life. Little did they know, their peace would not last.

Eliot's POV

Today we decided to leave the anti void. Emma being my protector only agreed as long as she was co con. It's been a while since I left our home. I know when Emma fronts she likes to go out to take care of the needs of our body but who know what Error does.

My only hope is that we don't run into him. He is the reason that we hide in the anti void.

I really just want some time to myself so once I make a portal, I try my hardest to keep Emm out. The day prior, we made a list of all the au's to avoid due to the things that they contain whether it be a positive or negative tigger. Some of them being obvious but others were baffling to me. The one highlighted in red was the one I wasn't meant to go to at all. The only problem was, it was my favourite au. Outertale.

I decided to go anyway as I haven't gone in a year. Emma muttered something about making a mistake and left me alone. I wonder what she was on about but I hen I stepped out of that portal I was mesmerised by the beauty of that magical sky. All those twinkling stars flashing one after the other like they were dancing to their own melody.

Not long after I arrived i started to dissociate and felt myself get pulled into the inner world with only one question. Who did I trigger?

Error's POV

Just as I was pulled out of my corner in the inner world, I could feel the body's panic. Then I could see him again. He was yelling at me. Hitting me. Touching me. I couldn't take it. I started lashing out breaking things trying to find anything that would stop their pain.

Maybe if I hurt the body they will stop. Please stop. Please stop. I'm a good boy I promise.





Then the pain stopped. I did it they won't hurt me ever again.

Why do I have to suffer when he gets off Scot-free. Maybe if I go back he will suffer the pain I had to. A grin crept onto my face as my body began to move on its own. Slowly toward a portal.

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