When the last string snaps

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Strings. Everyone has them;holding their sanity together. The treads of really. But everything has a breaking point.

Strings strings one two three, happy, liberated free as can be. Strings strings three two one, when the last thread snaps... sanity is gone.

Some test the boundaries. Pushing the possibility's and structural integrity of their own. Others are tormented and have to endure their threads severed by the heinous acts of fellow creatures.

Two ways one can make the fall to madness. Once that fall from grace has happened there is no escape the only thing left for those poor souls is death. He is often cruel but in these dire circumstances he is merciful. Mercy is what they yearn for it is a tragedy that they have to receive it is such a extreme way.

Let's look at an example of a lost individual. Weakly grasping to their last shred of hope for rescue. Their final string. But, how long will it last?

Strings strings three two one, hello Error how long can you hold on.

My day started off in searing pain. Despite this being an all too common occurrence, I am always startled. Pain is something I will never get used to. No matter how often i am presented with it.
This life just isn't fair. But I am determined; I will not lose on someone else's terms. Maybe that determination is why I still have my last string. Albeit frayed but still there.

I was tossed into a never ending, always unfortunate life. It wasn't and never has been fair but I got used to it. I became complacent...

As Fate would have it, I would suffer for acceptance. Who knew that that plan would backfire.

Strings strings three two one, how long till sanity is gone.

'I passed out again' was my first thought that came to mind after I regained consciousness. After all this does seem like a reasonable assumption due to the large pool of blood and the fact that this whole scenario had become a frequent occurrence. "Heh, he really did a number on me this time." My one-sided conversation was interrupted by blood bubbling up my throat. Rising and rising until ... overflow.

I knew I couldn't die, but that fear never truly leaves.

This scenario it's too repetitive. I've done this whole song and dance over and over again. Now there's nothing left for me. If I die now it would be merciful. Way better than the fate that awaits me should that last thread snap. Escape from this monotonous life, seems far fetched but it's the hope I hold onto. The hope that holds those frayed ends together. The hope that one day, I too can have my happy ending.

*you call out to anyone, anything


*but nobody came

"Heh, figures I'm not worth saving" with what breath I had, I send out my last cry. A wish to be remembered.


*and somebody heard

But who heard this plea? Friend or foe? Who am I kidding, no one is on my side in this fight and nobody will ever remember me in good light. I will forever be immortalised as the ruthless destroyer who cared for no one.

What a way to go huh.

My vision starts to fade. I'm sure that if I don't get help soon my tormented body will give in. And, I'll die. This is good bye...right?

With the clouds of black dominating my view, I am ready. Ready to breath my final breath. But before I can fade into darkness I catch a glimpse of feet. Stomping their way towards me.

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