It wasn't me

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Error's PoV

One day I was sitting in the anti void, waiting for him to come back home, when suddenly something collided with the back of my head. Black spots danced in my eye line as I screamed in agony. The last thing I heard was "your time ends now glitch".Then I pass out.

How did I end up in this situation? Well, to tell you about that I have to tell you about my brothers. I have three brothers Fresh, Geno and Glitch and he is my twin brother. Not just any twin might I add, identical twin. The only differences is the fact that I have to wear glasses and my streaks are a lighter blue. Without my glasses only Geno can tell us apart.

Any way, now I've been kidnapped and mistaken for glitch. Who knows what will happen now.

Tem skip

Slowly my mind came back into reality, opened my eyes and... I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't see where I was. Great. After a while three fuzzy figures came into view. One golden, one blue and one rainbow. These must be the ones who kidnapped me.

The three figures began to cheer and revel in their victory whilst chanting insults. Whoever they thought I was they must really hate them. This went on for a few minutes; gloating, joy and insults. I had enough so i decided to cut their victory short.

"ThaTs G-g-gReAt and All but, WHo ExactLy aRe YoU GuyS?"

They seemed to stop for a second and then started laughing then said something along the line of 'oh glitch playing dumb isn't going to save you' but I wasn't really listening. I was more focused on figuring out who these people are. Maybe if they came closer they might match the description of the skeletons that Glitch used to describe.

"I kNow THaT yOu dOn'T TrUst mE buT coULd You PlEaSe ComE ClOseR"

For a second they paused, then they looked at each other, then at me and walked closer. Finally I could see who they were. Two of them were new to me but one I had seen before. Ink. The only person outside of my family that can enter the anti void. And now he had kidnapped me.

"So Ink? And other's why am I here? He's going to be mad when he finds out that I'm not in the anti void"
"Who's he?" The golden one asked.

But before I could answer another portal opened and a familiar red and white blob popped out. My brother and best friend Geno.

"Hey Ink I was wondering if you-oh hey Error- had seen wait. ERROR!"

Geno was surprised to see me but I guess that's because I'm never out of the anti void. He looked at the trio and back to me and asked me if I needed my glasses. Of course I said yes and he handed me my spare pair that he keeps. Now I can see the confused faces of the trio as me and my brother speak about what's been happening with us. Eventually Ink breaks up our conversation with a query.

"Why did you call him Error?"

"Because this is my little brother Error."

Ink looked at him for a second and laughed. He laughed and he laughed. When his giggles calmed down into chuckles, he finally said...

"No this is Glitch. The destroyer of my au's."

"No I'm pretty sure that's Error. You have mistaken him for Glitch his twin brother."

Ink had this blank look on his face an then he just stared. Stared at me until his eyes fell upon my tear marks. He stared at them for a long time until his face began to change to one of realisation. The realisation that I was in fact Error not Glitch. But, before Ink could release me from my bindings, the multiverse began to shake.

At that moment I knew that he had gone on a rampage. All because I wasn't in the anti void. All because I wasn't under his control. Now he was furious and attacking AU's left right and centre. Nobody can do anything about as...

Only I can stop him.


This chapter was for @Firehedgehog hope you liked it

Hi guys sorry it's been so long work has been hectic. I will be make a part two of this I just wanted to get what I had already written out to you guys.

Also thank you so much for 2k reads I honestly don't deserve it, I'm a terrible writer. I didn't want to post a whole chapter thanking you guys so I'm posting it here. I am so glad people like my writing it makes me so happy.

That's all

Tatsu out

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