One big 'happy' family

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"All right team, I have a plan!"

Now, this wasn't a new statement to be made at a council meeting and with who the plan was coming from everyone had their doubts. Not every plan that this skeleton has come up with has been entirely sane. But, as their valiant leader, they were going to give him another chance. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like trap au 73 could ever happen again(the new policy made sure of that).

As everyone took a deep breath, Ink spoke with confidence "I have come to the conclusion that Error is still a sans" without letting him finish there where yells, mostly from those of the fell variety, about Ink and his stupidity. Never the less, he continued "because of this, I believe that I have found his greatest weakness ... his brother" Silence befell the room as each sans took a moment to process this information. Could it be? Did they finally have the upper hand?

The next couple of hours were spent planning and creating the ultimate spy weapon. Not only would they have an opportunity to gain insight on the destroyers past but possibly be able to find something to use against him. It was risky. But, that was a risk will to take. For the good of the whole multiverse. They will take Error down.

And with that EPap was created. Get ready Error. They are coming and they are ready to sacrifice everything for your demise. Good luck.

Ink's POV

Operation EPap was underway. We have placed him on the antivoid and now all we have to do is to wait for Error to return and find his 'papyrus'.

It shouldn't take to long as we have just finished fighting over an au. Whenever we fight, he without fail returns to the antivoid. I look forward to gathering all this info on the sworn enemy of all creations,. But, sitting here watching a blank screen is like a punishment a mother would give. Maybe I'll close my eyes for just a second.





I awoke to the shrill voice of Dream and a violent shake of the shoulder. But before I could react, I realised why I was awoken. Error had returned.

Now was our chance. We turned on EPap and moved towards where Error was sitting. The glaring white of the antivoid was unnerving but I couldn't focus on that, there were much more pressing matters and hand. People were counting on me and I couldn't let them down.

Once we got close enough, it was finally obvious what he was carrying. It was knitting supplies (so he can create). But he didn't carry them for long because as soon as he spotted EPap. Crash. The all tumbled to the floor. We were right, his brother was his weakness. Looking upon Error closer and he was, crying? I thought he couldn't feel emotions. We were all baffled at this new discovery that we almost missed what he said next.

"Code? Is-is t that really you?" So, either his brothers nickname was Code or that was his real name. I'm leaning toward the latter but I can't be certain. Dream leaned forward towards the mic and spoke. All it took was a simple answer and Error broke down. Our response was simply "yes"

Glitches built up around his body and error signs filled his vision. We were not expecting that. Maybe this was not the best idea but, it's definitely too late to back out now.

"But it can't be, we saw you die. He- h-he killed you. It was my fault you save me and I got you killed" he paused briefly but only for a second. Only to cry, burst into floods of tears. On the verge of a panic attack he breathed out "why Code, if you were alive, why didn't you tell us. Your brothers. We were worried so why." at that point he started screaming. Raising his voice louder and louder until it was so shrill it was almost unrecognisable. Error was in a pit of despair and I'm beginning to think that this was a bad idea.

Dream being the embodiment of positivity that he is, was trying to console Error using EPap whilst I got to thinking. 'We saw you die' 'why didn't you tell us' 'brothers' hold on, all of those statements were plural. Did Error have more that one brother? He has to, it's the only way it fits. But what happed? Something tragic has to have happened but we obviously can't find out using EPap. There has to be another way... I've got it, we leave the camera in the antivoid and remove EPap all together.

I relayed my master plan to everyone and it was set into motion. Unfortunately Error was left oblivious as he was still in a state of panic. What made my non existent soul ache was his scream of pure agony when he realised that 'Code' was gone. After that, he sobbed for hours. Days even. Called out for help. Mercy. Anything. Anyone.

But nobody ca...

"I'm telling ya g broski, som'in mad wack happed to e brah" a voice. An unmistakable voice but that voice belongs to the one person I would least expect to see here. Fresh. Error hates him as he hates Error so why would that creature of all monsters be here and who is 'g broski'

"I'm sure he's fine Fresh, he probably got a bit hurt after another battle with Ink. You know how he can't bring himself to hurt him" that was news to me. Can't hurt me? Now that you mention it, I don't think that he has ever actually hurt me. But why? I thought he hated me. Never mind that, who does that second voice belong to. It familiar but I can't quite place my phalange on it. Before I could reach my conclusion a certain god of death cuts into my train of thought "Geno" he said "that's my Geno, why is he there?" Now that also doesn't make sense. Geno isn't meant to be able to leave the save screen without dying. So, how is he here.

They both obviously know Error but why? He's the destroyer of worlds. I'm surprised that anyone cares about him.

We were all in anticipation with each step the two took. Hoping for some answers. But we could never know that the answer we were going to receive, we could never be ready to hear.

Once that they noticed Error they both ran to him in a panic. Scared as if this had happened before. But that would make no sense right? ... Right?

The silence was deafening. But not for long as they started to comfort him. Whispering soothing statement like 'it's going to be alright' and 'your safe with us'. This went on until Error stopped harshly glitching. Finally he was calm enough to speak but the words that came out of his mouth, were that of a broken, homesick child.

"Geno, Fresh, I want to go home, I don't care if mum's dead or that he could find us I want to go home to aunt com and uncle asy." He said this his whole body trembling. Voice quivering in fear of what the two would say. All of the council were shock including myself. He had a home, one he could go back to and one with family. But, where was it?

Before we could ponder more on his words he spoke again. This time with a pleading tone in his ever changing voice.

"Don't you miss them. Don't you wish you could see your best friends even for just a day? Gen don't you miss Sugar? And fresh don't you miss Decans? I know I miss Ink heck why wouldn't I we've known each other since pre school."

With his words, everyone looked at me. Probably with confusion but I was just as puzzled. All I could do to reassure them is to say the truth and I was never a child and that I only met error 5 years ago. It just isn't possible. I'm the only ink in the multiverse and he only appeared 5 years ago so what is he going on about?! Unless...
"He's from another multiverse" that's it he's from another multiverse and I'm guessing that Fresh and Geno are as well. I guess that explains why they are all outcodes it's because they didn't belong in this multiverse to begin with. We must help them get home.

But how?

That's a topic for another meeting I've been watching them for hours now. Let's leave them be.

They may be broken..

But they're a family none the less.

And I don't want to destroy that. Not anymore.

1478 words let's go

Sorry for the big gap in updates. I'd give an excuse but I don't want to reveal my private life.

There is a possible part two but I at the moment have run out of ideas for today.

Have a good day/night

Tatsu out

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