Part six

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Y/n Pov

After what like three hours of dancing, 10 slow dances ,and a couple of cups of punch later, you were exhausted and the Yule Ball had ended.

You both were now walking up the stairs to the slytherin common room with heels in one hand and draco's hand in the other.

"That was fun" You said.

Draco nodded, flashing a smile.

You both walked into slytherins common room and made your way over to the fireplace and sat down next to the fire. Nobody was there, probably hooking up with there dates.

"It's past midnight, isn't it?" You asked.

He nodded.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." You turned around, walked up to your dorm and got draco's present.

You walked out the dorm and made your way back to the fire place.

Draco was sitting in the same spot you left him in, hands in his pockets, staring at the fire.

"I'm back" you said.

"Why'd ya leave me like that?" He asked.

You grinned and pulled the package out from behind your back.

"Went to get this." You said giving him the gift.

"Merry Christmas, draco."

He took the package with a smile on his face.

"You didn't have t-"

"Yes I did! Now shut up and open it!" You snapped, jokingly.

He laughed and unwrapped the box. His face lit up when he opened it.

"How did you know I wanted this?" Draco asked.

"When we went to town I saw you eyeing this ring like crazy so when you left the store I bought it for you"

"Thank you so much I really love it" He said, with excitement in his voice.

"You're welcome."

"Wait here and I'll go get yours."

You waited for about a minute or two before he came back.

"Here ya go." He said, handing it to you.

You took it from his hands and eagerly unwrapped it to revel a black box.

You opened the box and it revealed a beautiful heart shaped locket.

"Open the locket" Draco said.

You opened the locker and it revealed a picture of you and draco together.

"Oh my draco I love it so much. Put it on for me won't you" You asked.

He grabbed the necklace and moved you hair to the side. He put it around your neck and clipped it.


"It's beautiful thank you."

You stood up, got on your tippy toes, and wrapped your arms tightly around his neck. He slid his arms around your waist and chuckled.

"Merry Christmas (Y/N)."

You stayed hugging for a while, and it was very nice. His warmth against your body made you feel secure.

You guys pulled apart and then the unexpected happens.

Draco cupped you face and kissed you.
At first you hesitated but then you gave in.
The kiss was perfect, passionate, slow.
His lips were like heaven to touch.

After a good 30 seconds we pulled apart.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you too draco"

(The end<3)

The Yule Ball (Draco X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now