Chapter 8

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P.o.v. Matt

10 October 1963

Dear diary

Go fuck yourself. You said it'll be fine but now I am grounded for the rest of my life. Coming out as gay to non-accepting parents in a non-accepting world really wasn't a good idea. But you know, I had to. They desperately tried to get me a girlfriend, like one I'm gonna marry later. But I don't want this. I was fed up with them deciding how I had to live. I always obeyed them, because they could throw me out of the house at any time. But for this one time I stood up for myself. And they didn't take it well. What did I even expect? My parents are assholes. Abusive and controlling. Sometimes I really wish they were dead. Even though they are my parents who brought me up. Shouldn't they love their children how they are? I can't change myself! You know, I am sick of it! I am sick of always changing for other persons! I want to be who I am!

Angrily I grabbed my pen and threw it against the wall of my small room, my parents locked me in. I jumped onto my bed and burried my face in the pillow. Silently I cried. My dad would beat me up again if he'd hear me cry. I took a deep breath and turned on my back. Why can't I just be who I want to be? Why do my parents have to be that controlling? This diary and my lyric book are the only places where I can express my feelings and have free speech. Suddenly I heard my door being unlocked. My dad stepped in and stared at me with a stern look. "There is a bit of soup in the fridge downstairs.", he said. "Yes father...", I said and sighted. "Look at me when you're talking!", he screamed and smacked me across the face. "I'm sorry!", I yelled back and stared at him, rubbing my hurting cheek. "Stop yelling!", he screamed. Another slap in the face. "I'm sorry.", I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. One ran down my face. Another smack. Then my dad slammed the door shut behind me. This was when it clicked in my head. I waited until my parents were asleep and got my backpack from the attic. I took everything I needed, spare clothes, my diary, a few pens and some tins with food from the kitchen. I put on my shoes and my jacket and climbed out of the window, into the cold night. Time to leave this hellhole. Nothing was keeping me here. I didn't have any friends and was being bullied anyways, so nobody would miss me. I walked for a few minutes.

Controlling my feelings for too long
Controlling my feelings for too long
Forcing our darkest souls to unfold
And pushing us into self destruction

Those were some pretty good lyrics that just came into my mind. I put down my backpack to get my lyric book. I searched around and I froze. My lyric book was still under my bed! I put on the bag again and ran back to the house I called my home once. But just as I was about to take the last turn, a deafening explosion right around the corner filled the quiet night. I got thrown back by the shock wave. But I quickly got up again and ran in direction of the catastrophe. My bad feeling was confirmed. The hellhole was destroyed and on fire. Everywhere around me were people running away but all I could do was stare at the bright flames. Slowly my body moved towards the mess. My lyric book... I didn't care about my parents. I was finally free. Suddenly somthing attacked me. I fell to the ground and rolled a few meters to the side. I looked up and stared into a pair of glowing red eyes. Was it an animal? No, it was a human! But it had a pair of sharp and pointy fangs bared at me. I screamed and tried to shake the thing off but it was way too strong. It pinned me to the ground and I felt his teeth penetrate the skin on my neck. I screamed in pain but my body was paralyzed and couldn't move. And in the whole riot nobody heard my screams. My sight became blurry as I felt my blood being drawn from my body. All of a sudden the thing was thrown away from me. A tall man stood in a defence position over my non moving body. The thing stood a few meters away, his fangs still bared and hissing something I couldn't understand in all the noise around me. I was stil unable to move. My breath was short and quick. I felt my conciousness fade away and everything became black. I didn't notice anymore, how two strong arms picked me up and carried me away.

When I woke up again I wasn't on the street anymore. I was in a house I have never seen before. But I didn't have time to pay much attention to my surroundings, because every cell in my body felt like it was on fire, like the hellhole. I screamed in agony and clawed my fingers into the matress underneath my body. Then there suddenly was a cold towel on my forehead and a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be over soon. Stay strong Matthew.", I heard a deep but soft voice say. Yes, I wanted the pain to be over. I just wanted to die. Free me from this world! I continued to scream for a few more minutes, then I passed out again. I woke up again and felt the same pain. This was going on like this for what felt like eternety. Finally, when I begged my life to be over, it stopped. My breath was still short and every particle of oxygen burned in my lungs, but the pain from before was gone. Slowly my eyes opened and I looked at a tall man with short black hair and green eyes. He smiled at me. Was this the same man that saved me? "You made it.", he said, "I was worried you died at some point inbetween, but here you are." I tried to speak, but everything I could get out was a quite wheeze. "Shhhh, it's okay Matthew. Sleep now. I'll be here.", said the man and sat down next to me. "You'll feel better very soon." He stroked my messy brown hair until I fell asleep.

I felt a beam of light shine at my face and my eyes flattered open. There was a window across the room I was in and the sun shined brightly through the glass. My body finally moved again and I sat up. There was a glass of water on the small table next to my bed and I drank it in one gulp. I felt terrible, like I've been lying on the bed for ages. Slowly I stood up. My legs felt like they were made out of jelly. I was so busy trying to stand upright, that I didn't notice the man entering my room. "How are you feeling?" I flinched and my legs gave in. But however, the man suddenly stood behind me and grabbed me under my arms, so I wouldn't fall over. "What... is this place?", I managed to mumble. "This is my house. I brought you here after you've been attacked.", the man replied and sat me down on the bed again. "Who are you? Why do you care about me?", I asked weakly. "I'm Mason. I'm an old friend of your family. After I heard the thing with your house I just had to check it out. And saving you was my duty. I couldn't just let him kill you.", answered the tall man. Slowly the memorys came back to me. "What... was that thing...?", I asked, touching the wound at my neck. Mason inhaled sharply. "A vampire. And not really a friendly one. The most wanted. We're hunting him down since a few months because he keeps attacking innocent humans." I stared at him in disbelief. "Vampires? There are no vampires! Only in fairy tales!" Mason chuckled. "Then why are you and I both here?" "Wait, why... me...?", I asked, even though I already knew the answer. Vampires can change humans by biting them. "The burning pain you felt before... that was your body being changed.", explained Mason and looked out the big window. My stomach turned upside down. I stared at my hands. "Don't worry.", said Mason with his soft deep voice and put a hand on my shoulder, "I've been through the same thing. I will show you how to live as a vampire."

In the same night I ran away again. I noticed how much faster I was and stronger. I could easily jump on the roof of a house and it scared the hell out of me. I didn't want to live like this. I just wanted it to end. I ran and ran, eventually stopping by at a lake. The moon reflected in the clear water and made it glow. I bent over the water too look at my reflection. I saw my eyes glowing in a bright blue. Another indicator that my whole body has changed. I took a step into the water. Fully clothed. But it wasn't cold like you'd expect it to be in a night in october. Or was it just my body again? I didn't care. I just wanted to go. I let myself fall into the water. After a few minutes I noticed I wasn't dying at all, like I hoped to. In fact, I could've just lay there for days, without anything happening. Suddenly two strong arms grabbed me and pulled me out of the water. "Drowning yourself will get difficult now.", I heard Masons voice say. "I don't want to live like this! What's the point?", I shouted. Mason sighted and put me down on my feet. "You'll have to. You know, you could stay here or actually try to move on. I know your parents didn't treat you very well and you've been through a lot. But now you can be whoever you want. You're free!" "Whoever I want?", I asked and looked at him with watery eyes. Then I hugged him and cried. Nobody was hitting me anymore. Now I could let out all the feelings I've been holding back for the past 16 years.

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