Chapter 6

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P.o.v. Dom

We all strolled outside. I would have loved to stay a while longer, but it was already 1am and I was getting tired. That evening was definitely the best I’ve ever had in my whole life. And after everyone saw me with Matt, my popularity rose drastically. People suddenly began to notice me. It was still a bit strange, because until now I was just the shy boy who sat in the back row and didn't want to have anything to do with the others. Also I received lots of compliments about my drumming and I really thought, maybe I’m really not that bad. Maybe I should join the school band or start my own with Matt. But now we had to make our way home. We said goodbye to everyone and walked hand in hand towards my house. "Thanks… for coming with me.", Matt said, a little embarrassed, "You know, I think we have come a lot closer." "We got a lot closer!" I said, squeezing his hand tighter. “Now we pretty much know each other's feelings. But to make it official ... do you want to be my boyfriend?”, I asked, looking into his sapphire blue glowing eyes. “Awww DomDom, of course!", he shouted, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back in relief. I couldn't believe it. He actually said yes! I have never felt this happy. And not even the voice in my head spoke up. This is my destiny ... or much more, ours. Somehow I had the feeling we belonged together. That all the decisions we've made so far were there to lead us to this place. As if we were made for each other. Suddenly Matt stopped and reached out to make me stop. "What is it?" I asked, puzzled. Matt just put his finger to his lips and slowly lurched towards a back alley.

He stopped and risked a look around the corner. Then we heard an outcry. Matt jumped back. «Chris! Don't frighten me like that! " "What? You scared me!”, I heard Chris say out of breath. Now I ran to the two of them too. "You really like side streets, don't you?" I said, slightly annoyed. Chris stared at Matt with the same look he'd had since our concert. «I just have to know ... what ... are you? Why do your eyes always glow like that? ”Chris asked, still slightly scared. Matt shrugged. “They just do that in the dark, I don't know. And if you really want to know, I'm a vampire. And now excuse us, we have plans and I don't want to be bothered by bullies, thank you. ”, Matt said, slightly annoyed, and grabbed my arm to pull me away. "Wait!" Shouted Chris and ran after us. "What do you mean by vampire?" "Exactly that," Matt replied without turning around. "Now wait a minute!" Chris called again, grabbing Matt's free arm. However, before he touched it, Matt slapped his hand away and pressed him against the nearest wall. "Don't touch me Wolstenholme or I'll show you how uncomfortable I can be!" He hissed. "Matt stop!" I shouted, pulling him away from Chris. "What's wrong with you? I don't even know you like that! " "I just don't want anyone to hurt you again ..." Matt said, looking into my eyes. "That's all well and good, but you don't have to protect me 24/7.", I sigh and tuck one of his hair strands behind his ear. "Let me do it." I turned to Chris, who was still with his back pressed against the wall, trembling all over. "What did you want from us, Chris?" I asked. "I ... I wanted to apologize ... for everything I've done to you," he stammered. "I ... enjoyed being the stronger one ... I'm ... sorry." He stared at his shoes. "I'll accept your apology if you give back all the money you stole from me," I said, looking at him. “I will. I’ll give it to you on Monday at school. And I know, if I don’t, I’ll get my ass kicked. Again.” He glanced briefly at Matt, who was still staring at him with hostility. "Good," I said, pulling Matt home with me.

«So where were we? We wanted to discuss what we wanted to do on the weekend. I just have my monthly therapy session tomorrow afternoon, but apart from that we’re free.”, I said, squeezing Matts hand. “Should we go for a swim in the lake at Sunday?”, he suggested. “What? It’s still freezing cold!” “Not for me. Okay, you don’t have to swim. I just want to go to the lake. I like the lake…” He started to stare at some random point in the distance. “Matt?” He flinched. “Sorry I… just zoned out a bit.” Finally, we arrived at my house. “Alright, I’m just gonna grab my stuff at home.”, said Matt and disappeared in a haze of blue again. I stepped inside and went straight to my room. As soon as my back touched the comfy sheets of my bed I fell asleep.

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