Chapter 13

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The rest of the lesson was really awkward for all of us. There wasn't one single second where nobody had his glance fixed on me. I tried my best to ignore it. Finally the day was over and we could get out of our sweaty clothes. I just remained silent in my corner and got changed. Suddenly the door opened and all of the girls came from the other locker room into ours. Everyone gathered around me. I looked at them confused, but I already knew what this is about. "So he's really, actually a vampire?", asked Tom, breaking the silence. I sat down on the bench at the wall and just nodded. "But you're still together with him?", asked Stacy. I nodded again. "What can he do, besides being super strong?", asked Morgan. "Uhm... super speed... nightvision... uhm... he also mentioned flying before...", I listed. "But I actually haven't seen much of his abilities yet..." "But was Chris right? Does he suck your blood?", asked Tom, slightly scared. "I... well... I don't know I've never seen him doing it before...", I lied, "They have certain laws that manage all of this, I don't know how it works." They just were bombarding me with questions at this point, I had to stop it. "Okay guys please listen to me!", I shouted. Everyone became silent. "He... he really need us... And I... well, I need him. He's not a monster as you might think. In fact, he's the most human person I know. The Matthew Bellamy you see every day... that's the real Matthew Bellamy. I mean nothing has changed. Please don't leave him. He doesn't deserve this." Tears were running down my cheecks again and a few sobs escaped my throat. "We... weren't going to cast him out...", began Stacy. "Yeah, we just wanted to know the truth. But he decided to run off, so we had to ask his boyfriend.", continued Morgan. "Guys...", I whimpered and pulled everyone into a group hug.

The next day, Mason had to walk me to school because Matt didn't show up at mine, nor at his house. Nobody seemed to know where he was. I was really worried. When we arrived at school, Mason told me to just stay put and be around others. He would be near the school to make sure I was save. Yeah, the Psycho was still out there. And the council still didn't get anything out of the criminal we caught at the lake, because apparently he was still paralyzed by Matt's venom. I took a deep breath and went inside. It was all normal. Nobody from another class came up to me and said something about Matt and vampires. So they really didn't tell anyone else. I was so thankful. I got into our classroom. Matt wasn't there either. Well, I knew he wouldn't show up, but a tiny little part of me hoped that he would. Morgan asked me about him, but I told him nobody saw Matt since yesterday. "I'm just worried that he thinks we hate him now...", whispered Morgan.

When the lesson started, I didn't even start to pay attention. I just remained silent, even when our teacher called on me. Time seemed to pass slower than ever before. We just are through 2 lessons, but it felt like I've been sitting here for days. All of a sudden the door slammed open. I knew only one person who slammed doors like this. I looked up. Matt stood in the doorframe, with even messier hair than usual. "Sorry I'm late.", he pressed out and he let himself fall on the seat next to me. Everyone stared at him. "Where the fuck have you been, I was worried sick!", I hissed quietly and slapped his shoulder. "I'll explain later.", he whispered back and got his books out of his bag.

In the break everyone stayed inside our classroom and gathered around Matt. They wanted to know everything. And he patiently answered all their questions. "Well, I legit thought you'd never come back out of fear that we hate you now.", said Morgan and sighted in relief. "Please Morgz, I already live for too long to care if anyone hates me or not.", said Matt, biting into an apple. "Yeah but why did you run off yesterday and why didn't you show up on my doorstep this morning?", I asked, still a bit angry. "You're supposed to look after me!" "Yes I know, sorry DomDom. Well first I was gonna go after Chris and beat him up for saying those things to me but I was held up by the council. They didn't particularly like that my whole class now knows about me and they wanted to hypnotize everyone, so you'd forget. I spent all night talking them out of it.", explained Matt. "So you decided on your own that you rather want us to know?", asked Tom, slightly smiling. "Thomas, I wouldn't mind if the whole world knows.", grinned Matt. I began to cut my own apple into pieces. "But I'm still a bit upset that you didn't kiss me yet.", I smirked. "Dommeh...", sighted the vampire and rubbed his face. Then he looked at my fingers. "No seriously Dom, pay attention to what you're doing. You know what happens when you cut yourself now." "Yes mom...", I said, pretending to be annoyed. Then I laughed. And then it happened.

P.o.v. Matt

It was only a small cut but a bit of blood was dripping from his finger. And it was enough to make me go crazy. "Dominic!", I shrieked, staring at the red liquid. I instantly buried my face in the crook of my elbow, but the strong delicious sweet scent of his blood still didn't get blocked out entirely. Inside my whole body I felt the familiar pull to just yank my fangs inside him and suck him out to the last drop. "Put a bandaid on it or something!", I shouted, paniking. Morgan quickly pulled one out of his bag and put it around Dom's finger. The scent and my pull disappeared, and I slowly took down my arm. "I will never let you hold a knife again...", I said, breathing heavily. "I am so sorry Matty...", whispered Dom. He was pale from all the paniking. "What the... fuck was that?", asked Morgan, "I thought you said you can control your thirst." "Yes but Dom has a very special type of blood, it has an extremely attractive effect on us.", I explained, still breathing heavily. "It's like a poison. Imagine you'd have to withstand the temptation to kill your boyfriend... I can truly say, you're lucky if you don't have to be like me." Then the bell rang, marking the end of the break. For the next lesson, Dom and I just stared at eachother. I can tell that he was truly sorry. Well, what happened happened. I didn't attack him, so I can just shrug it off. I am also glad that my classmates are so understanding and they also weren't scared of me. I rested my head on Dom's shoulder.

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