Chapter 15

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P.o.v. Dom

The next day I felt fine. No changes. Just me. But the two red spots still remained on my neck. Luckily my mom believed the lie, that I must have scratched myself at some point and didn't notice. Also Matt didn't show up today. Not at my house and not at school. Mason told me, he was a bit of an emotional mess right now and that we just have to give him a bit of time and space as well. Mason also took a look at the bite to be absolutely sure, but he also meant there's nothing to worry about. The only thing was, because it was a vampire bite, a scar will stay there forever. At school, everyone in my class asked me what the hell happened, when they saw my wound. "It was him right?", asked Chris. "Don't just judge him Chris!", said Morgan, slightly annoyed. "No he's right, it was Matt. But it's all sorted out, there's nothing to worry about!", I quickly said. "Doesn't seem like it. He hasn't shown up to class and he doesn't get sick, now does he?", said Morgan with a raised eyebrow. "Well, we both need some time away from eachother. I really can't imagine what he's going through right now. When I looked him in the eyes after he realised what he did, I could see that he was so terribly sorry, it ripped me apart. And really, we should've been aware of the fact that this would eventually happen.", I sighted. "How did this even happen?", asked Chris. I froze and turned crimson red. I stuttered something, but not even I understood what I was trying to say. Morgan, who so far looked at me seriously, couldn't help but smirk. "You had some fun toghether, I get it.", he grinned and patted my shoulder. I just groaned in embarassement and looked at my phone. Matt hadn't answered my texts. I couldn't believe he left me on read. He could've at least wrote that he was okay so far and was dealing with what happened. But nothing. Not even one of those dumb Whatsapp stickers he always sent me when he doesn't feel like typing. I decided to not write another text. Maybe I should really leave him alone for some time. But I also didn't want him to feel like I didn't love him anymore.

The school week went past without Matt showing up. I couldn't hold myself any longer, I just needed to see him. Maybe we can even properly talk about everything and finally draw a line. I went up to his house and rang the doorbeel. His little stepsister Elle opened, but she told me Matt was out. She suggested I could wait for him in his room, so I did.  I went up the stairs and opened the door to his comfy room. I sat down on his couch. There were comics, clothes and empty boxes of ice cream lying around everywhere. The TV was running and he had a round of Mariokart paused on his Switch. But on the small table in front of the sofa were a few big and old looking books. Matt wasn't really the book guy, so I took one and flipped through the pages. It was about the history of vampires and stuff. One chapter was marked with a Post-It note, so I opened it out of curiosity. It was about the change from a human into a vampire. And... from a vampire into a human.

Born vampires can be changed into humans by losing all the venom stored in their body. Yet it isn't confirmed, if this method works on changed vampires too. Their slightly different biology might play a big role, changed vampires are mostly more dependend on their powers than born vampires. Losing their venom could mean their death. Therefore, an experiment hasn't been made yet.

"Interesting?", I heard a tired voice behind me say and I flinched. Matt casually sat on the windowsill. I didn't even notice that the window was open. But damn, he looked awful. He looked like he didn't change his clothes for a week, his hair was messier than ever and he carried a bag from the supermarket, probably filled with even more ice cream. I put the book back on his table and pulled him inside. He didn't resist. I just pulled him into an embrace, our foreheads touched. "You know I still love you, don't you...", I whispered. "I don't deserve your love...", he whispered back, "If I'm too weak to even control myself... then I'll have to do something about it..." I wanted to ask, what that was. But then I remembered the chapter in the book I just read. I let go of him and stared into his sad eyes. "You want to risk your life to become human again? No, I'm not having that! Not under any circumstances!" "I have to try... we could spend our whole life together, and then die together... wouldn't you want that?", he asked, still with the same sad expression in his ocean blue eyes. "Then you could just as well change me, and we could spend eternety together...", I said, "It would come out the same."

"YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!", he suddenly screamed, causing me to recoil. He pushed me backwards with one arm and I fell down the couch. "MATT? What the hell??" I stared at him. He laughed coldly. "Nobody ever understands. Not even Mason. Or the council. They all denied my request. But I know who's gonna do it!" I stared at him in horror. "You don't think... the Psycho..." "Exactly!" He still had his glance fixed on me. I actually started crying now. "No... you... can't do this to me..." "What are you gonna do about it? I am stronger than you!", he hissed and pushed me against the wall. My head hit hard and I saw stars. "I'm sorry Dominic, but you need to let me do this...", he said amd climbed out of the window again. Without looking back he vanished in a haze. I sunk to the ground, not being able to move. My head and back hurt as hell, but I need to tell Mason about Matt's plans! He mustn't get to the Psycho, either way, he'll end up dead! With all my strength I picked myself up from the ground and limped towards the door and downstairs.

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