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Sorry guys. :(

Blake's P.O.V

Ah. My head. It hurts. I look up to see trees engulfing the sky. Where am I? With great difficulty, I get up. My leg hurts as well. I look around to find my self in a complete wreck. Where are the boys?

I look around. Are they dead? No. It can't be. I hope. I keep looking and finally I spot a curly head getting up. Ah. Thank god. I run over to him.

" Harry! Are you okay? " I ask.

" Blake? Oh, Thank God. At least I'm seeing someone. Where are the other guys? " he questions.

Where are they? I have no idea. As if on cue, I spot two other silhouettes. Louis and Niall.

" Blake! Harry! " Niall comes over and overwhelmingly hugs us. I'm surprised but I don't say anything. I'm just glad I'm not the only survivor. I just hope all of them are okay.

" Where is Zayn? ". An unknown fear comes over me. " and Liam? " I ask.

" Let's search for them. " Louis suggests.

We all go in different directions searching for Zayn and Liam. I feel myself getting more and more afraid at the moment. I've never really felt this away about someone other than my family.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to find Zayn. His hair is ruffled and his eyes are wild. His T-shirt is torn in the shoulder and so is his leather jacket.

" Blake. Are you okay, love? " he questions. I feel myself melting when he says 'love.

" Uh, yes. I'm okay. " I stutter. He smiles weakly.

I suddenly remember about Liam. We still haven't found him.

" Hey! I've found Liam. " someone hollers. Probably Harry.

Me and Zayn rush to where Harry is. Harry is kneeling down next to someone. Liam. He's bleeding! His for head has some blood and the back of his shirt is completely soaked with blood. Iam astounded.

" Oh My God! Can you guys please lift him up and lay him down on the grass with his back facing upwards? " I blabber nervously.

Zayn and Harry start lifting him up. I quickly run into the helicopter. That is the wrecked figure of the helicopter. I search fast to find my sling bag. I had a first aid kit in it. As I'm searching and find another head under a seat. I lift it up to see the pilot. He has a plank stabbed on his torso. I started crying. I hate seeing so much blood. I continue looking and find my bag pretty much torn up. Hoping that the medicines inside are not damaged I open it. Thankfully, everything is fine.

I run back outside to find that both Niall and Louis have arrived. All their faces are red and ready to leave tears. I kneel down next to Liam.

I open the first aid kit and take out my sanitizer and clean my hands. Then I  find a small scissor. I use it to cut the T-shirt so I can see the wound. He has a large cut on his back leaving blood. I was a biology student and I knew pretty much everything necessary to save a life. Ironic how I hate hospitals though.

I use some cotton to clean the area surrounding the wound. Suddenly I hear a groan. Liam have woken up. He starts letting out voices of pain. I feel it very hard to suppress my sadness. Zayn calms Liam down.

" Lad, Look at Me. Everything is gonna be fine. Just take deep breaths. " Zayn assures but I see him in pain to see his friend suffering. His eyes leave out a few tears.

I quickly take some more cotton and press it on the wound. Liam yells in pain and agony.

" Its almost over Liam. " I Assure him as well even though my voice is breaking.

The bleeding reduces enormously. I take some betadine and pot it on his wound. It would hurt very much. Liam doesn't scream. He starts crying.  I add some more betadine and finally add some antiseptic powder and cover the wound with a bandage.

" Its over, Liam. " I say trying to smile a little. He gives me a thumbs up.

I suddenly remember the dead pilot.

" Guys, our pilot is dead. I saw him. " I say, my voice shivering.

" Oh. We will go see and get some things that were left out in the helicopter. " Niall says slowly.

" Blake, you stay with Liam. " Louis says. I nod my head.

I watch the boys go to the wrecked copter. I start thinking about everything and how my life changed in one day.

After about 5 minutes, Im getting curious about were we are. I want to go explore but I have to be  next to Liam. So, I climb up the closest tree, trying to figure out where we are.

I look around And I see something and my jaw drops.

A coast. This means we are in an, Island.

Stranded // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now