Ecladow: My Queen

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Warning for gender bent Shadow and awesome head canons about the Black Arms. Requested by @FallRiver-Prime 

Eclipse's POV:

"Hold it there," I order my kin, lifting myself off the ground with my newly-developed telekinesis in preparation for the loss of momentum. The comet groans as its jets force it to a halt, soldiers gripping the floor so they aren't flung into the walls, and I watch the ceiling of the cavern shake slightly with the strain. After several tense moments, the maneuver succeeds, and I release an inaudible sigh of relief.


"Maintain our position behind the ringed planet," I instruct, returning to the floor and striding out of the command center, a well-protected central hub in the New Black Comet. I walk with purpose towards the launch deck, working on my impressive image even though my soldiers don't benefit from it. They'd already follow me anywhere, whether or not I act like a commander. But, there's one person I'm going to meet who I must recruit the hard way, without a simple mental order.

I keep my chin up as my newly-tailored robes flow behind me, feeling proud as I pass ranks and ranks of my brothers in arms. The uniform is a true honor, marking my ascension to a hivemind after my poor master's passing, and I revel in wearing it.

The only thing I've yet to get used to is the third eye, which nestles in my forehead. It's a little hard to focus and sometimes blurs my vision, but I find its connection to the eye my father gave me to be full of potential. Eclipse's Eye--my very own physical extension, which I rely on to watch things I need a clear view of, as typical soldiers aren't exactly known for their high resolution eyesight.

This is the next step in my ascension, I think, entering the docking area, where rows of smaller craft wait. I board our sleekest ship, crafted for speed and stealth, firing it up as I give the soldiers orders to follow in my absence. Distance weakens the hivemind, and I want to ensure they're prepared for any unexpected situation.

Soon, I finish preparing the ship for launch and give my last command, and I breathe deeply as I pilot the ship into the expulsion deck. The doors close behind me, and space opens wide in front, full of endless possibilities. I smile genuinely, blasting out into the sparkling void as I take the first step on my long-awaited journey.

I'm headed to find my queen.

Ever since I was created, two decades ago, I've heard about Shadow. My master had explained how Shadow was created over fifty years past by his predecessor, Black Doom, who manipulated a human into combining his genetics with those of Mobius' most powerful species, hedgehogs. The union created the being dubbed the 'Ultimate Lifeform,' Black Doom's proudest accomplishment. However, Shadow was never returned to our race, and Black Doom's end came several decades later after he fought and lost against a Xorda-led alliance.

It was a stark shame, but it led to my father, Black Death, rising in the ranks to the main hivemind. With such a hefty responsibility as the preservation of our race thrust onto his shoulders, he created me to serve him and act as his secondary commander.

As he lay dying twenty years later, devoid of the will to live any longer without his original brothers, among which were Black Doom and several former hiveminds, he had told me that he had also intended for me to take his place, much as he had for his slain leader. Indeed, as I had watched him pass from the universe, he transferred his power to me, and I woke several days later with a third eye, advanced Chaos Control, and a massive headache.

The last one faded with time, thankfully.

That had been several months ago, and I've been planning my visit to Mobius ever since. I have a new understanding of the loneliness my master expressed during his life, as the soldiers of our race are not particularly interesting companions. I haven't been able to carry on a conversation for over a dozen weeks! Only the Dark Arms, my specially-created servants who grant me powers beyond anything other races can dream, have enough wherewithal to understand anything complex, and they usually just chorus about how right I am and give no helpful advice.

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