Sonally: A Kiss Will Make it Better

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Sonic's POV: Requested by 

I spin-dash through Eggman's last badnik, landing heavily and gasping for breath. I sink to the ground, groaning in pain as I put a hand to my side. My white glove comes away bloody as I gingerly touch the enormous gash, and I whine as I press on it in an attempt to stem the bleeding.

Stupid, I think, gritting my teeth. Stupid. I'd been too caught up in taunting Egghead to notice the robot taking aim from behind, and even my supersonic reflexes had barely kept me from getting barbequed. I'll be stuck in bed for days before this closes, no running allowed. Darn it, Sonic.

I don't know what hurts more; the wound, or the idea of being cooped up in my house until it heals. I let loose a large sigh, starting to reach for my communicator so I can call Tails out to help me.

"Sonic!" I stiffen, worried for a moment that the voice belongs to Amy--one of her bear hugs on this gash would just about kill me. But, I relax a moment later, having turned to see Sally running towards me, concern etched into her face. "Sonic, how badly are you injured?"

"Not terribly, but it stings a little," I say, putting on a brave face. I move my hand away from my communicator, hoping Sally will have the time to help me back, instead. Don't get me wrong; I love my little bro, but I never get any time alone with Sal, since she's always busy with the duties of her kingdom.

Well, her father's kingdom. But, Sally does a good part in protecting it, so it's half hers in my eyes.

"That looks bad. Here, let me help you bind it. You shouldn't move until it's stopped bleeding." She kneels next to me, removing her blue vest and tearing it into strips with her impressive strength. I shift to give her better access to my torso, grinning when she leans close to inspect the cut.

"Ow, Sal," I wince, suppressing a yelp as she carefully prods the wound. "I know you're magic, but do you really need to include the hocus-poke-us?"

"For that pun," she mutters, readying one of the strips, "I'm going to call Tails and have him pick you up, instead."

"Ah, Sal, don't do that. He's got better things to do than suffer for my bad decisions," I say, giving her my best mock-pleading look. She pretends to ignore it, but I grin triumphantly at the small smile tugging at her lips.

"So do I, but here I am," she grumbles, but she sighs a moment later as she tightens one of the makeshift bandages. "Honestly, Sonic, you should be more careful."

"'Careful' is not in my vocabulary," I reply, holding back a gasp of pain with difficulty.

"It should be."

"Come on, Sal, I've survived this far," I joke, but she doesn't look amused. She murmurs something beneath her breath that I don't catch, but it doesn't sound like a complaint. "What did you say?"

"I don't want to lose you." Her voice is softer than it usually is, and I meet her sky-blue eyes with surprise.

"Sally?" My question is hesitant, and she averts her gaze to the ground.

"You mean more than you know. To me, to the others. To everyone. Mobius needs you, Sonic. I need you." She looks so sincere that, for a moment, I almost falter, but I shake off the emotional weight in favor of some levity.

"Can I get that in writing?" I ask, grinning widely

"Sonic, be serious. You're Mobius' hero. Everyone relies on you."

"No, not that part. That last little bit. Something about you needing me?" I feign confusion, giving her comically innocent eyes. "Because I liked that part."

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