Ecladow: Won't You Help Me Make More?

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Continuation to Ecladow: Bad Intentions, requested by @2blue_4u. Warning for increased explicitness.

Shadow's POV:

I sit, perched on the edge of our bed, watching the three, dark gray eggs on their cushion as I wait for my call to go through. Next to me, Eclipse is wrapped in the blankets like a sleek cat, curled up against me in his usual possessive manner. Four months ago, his constant presence annoyed me to no end; now, I'm just used to it, having come to realize he means well in his own way.

Well, initially, I think he only watched over me because he was worried I'd pull a trick and escape our agreement. Now, though, he does it more out of affectionate habit.

Either way, I don't shift away, instead stroking his rough head as I wait for Rouge to pick up.

"Yes?" Her voice finally comes over the line, and I smile. "Hey, handsome, what's new?"

"Nothing much," I answer, my usual lie. She still doesn't know anything about Eclipse and I, since I know she would just worry; I'm going to tell her when Eclipse finally fulfills his end of our promise and joins G.U.N. as a protector of the world. "Only a month left."

"You'll be back on the team soon, handsome," she agrees, and I can hear her grin through the line. "It's been deathly boring this week, as usual. You better be doing some soul-searching off in those mountains--I need to know at least one of us isn't stagnating."

"Indeed," I smirk, deep voice rumbling in my chest. Eclipse, hearing it, nuzzles against me subconsciously like an enormous, affectionate kitten. "Nothing new from the Commander, then?"

"Nope. I think he's still irked that you never came in last month, but he's getting over it. He understands that you've got to be allowed your moods, too."

"I just didn't feel like it," I shrug, biting my tongue as I remember the real reason for my absence; I was heavily pregnant last month, showing obvious signs of the three eggs growing inside my womb, so going into G.U.N. for my monthly parole was not a feasible option. "I promise I'll be in soon, if that keeps him happy."

"Happy? You must be talking about a different guy," Rouge laughs, and I chuckle. "I'll pass it on, hun. Anything you want to tell me, or do you want to get on with your mysteriously fascinating life?"

"Preferably the second one," I reply, glad she hasn't been too intrigued by my 'mysteriously fascinating' absence. I made sure to visit her several times when Eclipse and I were trying to conceive, as I knew she'd pick up on signs of my being pregnant if I waited to talk to her after we succeeded. I explained I was going to go underground for awhile, told her I wanted to figure some things out for myself and that now was a good opportunity. Like the great friend she is, she accepted it, and she's only bothered me for weekly phone calls since.

"Alright, handsome. But, you know I'm here if you need me," she says, her usual reminder.

"Bye, Rouge," I respond, and she giggles.

"Toodaloo, stoic, dark, and handsome," she titters, and I hang up. A short, simple call like ours usually are, just enough to check in and no more. The perfect dose of socialization.

I glance down at Eclipse again, then look over at our eggs like I was before. They're due to hatch any day now, having been forced out of my very sore hips nearly two weeks ago. I didn't appreciate that experience by itself, but seeing the sheer, unadulterated excitement it brought Eclipse almost made it worth it.


I grimace at the memory, as it had been incredibly painful to go through. We hadn't expected complications, me being the Ultimate Lifeform and all, but my thin hips were not made for laying eggs, especially not the large, fist-sized type that formed.

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