Eclonic: The Ultimate Alien vs. The Blue Blur

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Sonic's POV:

"Wait, you found Eclipse?"

I frown for a moment, sure I know that name from somewhere. In just an instant of supersonic thought, I place it, snapping my fingers as I nod to show I understand.

"The Black Arm guy, right? Why isn't Shadow doing this, then?" I ask curiously, one of my ears shifting to catch every word as its partner folds back.

"Capturing Eclipse is one of G.U.N.'s top priorities, and Shadow is currently out of commission," Commander Abraham Tower answers, two-toned eyes piercing even through a screen. "A mission that ended earlier this morning left Agent Shadow injured. He's resting currently and is not fit to fight Eclipse." I startle at hearing Shadow is injured, a bit taken aback that my powerful rival encountered a foe or situation dangerous enough to incapacitate him. I'm sure Shadow is seething right now over the fact he can't go after Eclipse--according to Amy, Shadz was set on taking the last Black Arm down himself. He probably isn't 'resting' of his own accord, that's all I'll say.

"So, you want me to take care of it?" I question, unsure whether I'm excited for the opportunity; I feel a little guilty getting involved in Faker's personal fight. I have to, though; hero's duty. "Alright, will do. Where is Eclipse, anyhow?"

"Fernbank Forest, to the west of The Castle of Acorn."

"Ooh, nice place. I hope it doesn't get too fouled up if I have to fight him," I say, thinking of the beautiful streams and fern patches that characterize the forest. "Think there's any chance I can talk him down?"

"Unlikely. Eclipse can speak and communicate at Mobian levels, but he has not shown any desire to negotiate."

"Well, I'll try anyways. Always worth a shot," I reply, shrugging. "So, I fight him, and you guys will stand by?"

"We will be ready to receive him when you can incapacitate him and his Dark Arms. They are four, wisp-like creatures that grant him temporary abilities. One creates armor, one sonic waves, another wings, and the last the ability to fire lasers from his palms."

"Sounds fun," I respond, having heard of the Dark Arms once before from Knuckles.

"Several units will be stationed a dozen kilometers away, and you can elect to transport him to them or have them come to you."

"Got it. Well, I'll be off, then. Tell Shadow to feel better soon for me," I say, and the Commander nods in his stiff manner. I click off the communication with a wave, zipping out of the room and through Freedom Fighter HQ, heading west.

I have an alien to take care of.


Found him, I think, crouching at the top of a rise and spying the alien in a small clearing below. I silently press a button on my communicator, sending a message to G.U.N. that I'm about to engage without running the risk of Eclipse hearing my voice. Leaning forward slightly, I take in the scene, trying to decide on the best course of attack.

Are those...? I blink, surprised by the small creatures floating and flying around the Mobian-sized alien. Those must be the Dark Arms. They really do look like wisps--I thought they were for a second. Ah, man, they look so innocent... Looking closer, I can see Eclipse is talking to them, a toothy grin on his distant face.

I wonder what he's saying... Just looking, he seems rather normal, but I have to remember he's probably smiling about taking over the world or something. Still, though, I muse thoughtfully. He doesn't look like what I was expecting, just standing there so carefree. I guess he's not always serious like Shadow--I wonder if they fight the same way.

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