Sonaze: A Princess' Proposal

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I hurry over the terrain, blasting ahead in an awesome display of fiery speed. My movements are practiced, assured, but my thoughts are a confused flurry of uncertainty.

Why did mother and father send for me so suddenly? And, why are they being so vague about what it is they even want to see me for? My parents are the rulers of this world, the beloved and benevolent king and queen. I, their daughter, am slightly less benevolent and a little more...well, father says I'm cold, and mother says I'm too blunt for the politics of a princess. Either way, I would say I am more efficient, but to everyone their own...

I slow down once I'm in sight of my family's castle, the structure well taken care of and worn. When I was younger, I used to escape it by descending down the ivy on the side, but that changed after I accidentally set the vines on fire when one of the guards startled me during a climb.

I shake myself from the memories, only half paying attention to the servant now guiding me to my parents. Although it may seem crass to some to have servants, my family's estate creates many jobs for otherwise unemployed sapients. Also, the pay is good and the jobs not too demanding. Nevertheless, these aren't reasons enough for me to have my own, personal servants; I'm far too independent and intolerant of people to be followed around, being waited on all of the time.

"Your majesties?" Says the middle-aged koala I've been following once we arrive at the throne room. "Princess Blaze returns."

"Wonderful! Send her in!" My father replies, and I slip in through the door.

"Hello, mother, father," I greet, and they return the sentiment enthusiastically. After several inquires as to my recent life and journey, I finally manage to remind them I'm here because they wish to tell me something.

"Ah, yes! Of course!" Father says, but he immediately rubs his ear and looks at my mother. "Do you want to tell her, dear?"

"Oh!" She says in response, looking surprised. "I suppose so. Blaze, darling, we've been talking, and we think that it's about time you started to consider finding a husband." I stand, shell-shocked, completely taken aback by this. "Nothing hurried, dear, but it is time you start thinking who you want to marry. Normally, a noble would inevitably be the choice, but we know you value ability more than birthright, so we're letting you make the decision. We'd like you to be married by spring, in, oh, 5 or so months."

"I-I..." I trail off, knowing that I'm lucky my parents are leaving such wiggling room yet still angry about the forced responsibility all the same. "I know you want me to be thinking about a husband, but 5 months? How will I ever find somebody in that amount of time?!"

"We can hold parties, invite families, whatever you'd like," assures my father. "We'll give you plenty of opportunity to choose someone." I nearly fall over, feeling as if a great weight has suddenly descended on my shoulders.

As if it wasn't enough to be the Sol Emerald guardian, now I have to marry in 5 months--without ever having been in a relationship! This won't end well... Still in a state of shock, I bow to my parents, purposely avoiding a traditional curtsy. I am not some simple princess to be pinned to some boy and toted around. I am the most powerful being on this world, and any man I choose will know his place as a servant of this kingdom, as an elite of effort and intention. Such a man is rare, but I will have to find one. To find genuine heroism in such a short time frame, though...

I sigh, completing my rituals for dismissal and striding from the throne room. I can do this. I know I can. I try to look calm and professional on the outside, but, inside, I'm shaking and close to tears. Oh, Sol, what if I can't find someone I respect?! As quickly as I can, I exit the castle and blaze my way to a small, uninhabited sandbar that I frequent to escape the frustration of life. Sitting on the sand, looking across the endless waters always gives me new perspective on my problems, reminding me of the scope of this world and those beyond it.

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