Ecladow - Bad Intentions

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Shadow the Hedgehog x Eclipse the Darkling (Archie) (Set late into Sonic Universe, or after Shadow's game and second defeat of the Black Arms)

Shadow's POV:

I smile as Sonic and friends appear through the door of the food pantry. I've been working off my easier community service all day, and I'm happy to see that my day is over.

"Hey, Shadz," Sonic greets, and I nod hello to each of his teammates in turn. They're not the brightest or strongest bunch (in my opinion, at least), but I have respect for their bravery and fortitude. That, and they were the ones to offer me a place to stay until I get my life back on track. I follow them out the building with a slight spring in my step, practically my equivalent of skipping.

"Should we go get something to eat?" Amy asks, sounding like she's suggesting the idea.

"I am pretty hungry," replies Tails, and Sonic grins.

"I'm starving! How about we head down to that great hot dog stand in Quarry? The one by Four Gals and Honey's, you know?" He asks, and I marvel at how little the sentence means to someone like me, who has no idea what places or stores he's referencing.

"Ooh! Great idea!" Amy squeals loudly. "We can visit the new frozen yogurt stand, too!" Knuckles shrugs, seeming uninterested.

"Sounds fine," he says, adding, "but I have to be back to Angel Island before dark. I'll only stay for the meal."

"I like that idea," Tails pipes up, replying to Amy. She turns to me.

"Do you like that idea, Shadow?" She asks, and I blink at her, a bit surprised.

"Oh, uh, I can't really, um..." I pause awkwardly, embarrassed. "I can't go anywhere without permission, remember?" Amy gasps, apparently recalling that piece of information.

"Oh! Right, right. G.U.N.'s gone a little overboard restricting your movement, haven't they?" I shrug, internally agreeing but not sure if that agreement is selfish or not. I mean, I certainly wouldn't want someone with my power running around unchecked after almost destroying the world.

"Will you be alright at home, by yourself?" Amy asks, seeming a bit uncomfortable with purposely ditching me.

"I'll be fine. I like to be alone," I reply, shoving down the slight ache in my heart that pangs every time I realize again that I am, in fact, alone except for G.U.N. and Sonic's team. My human family was killed back on the ARK, and I dispatched my genetic father after he tried to consume the world--heck, I even had to defeat his darn subjects twice, once before and once after his death.

"We'll have to take you home," Tails muses. "You're not supposed to use your powers without permission, either." I smile thinly, trying to restrain comment on that. Have to say, I don't like that, selfish or not.

"Uh, in that case, I'll just head back to the island," Knuckles says, and Amy looks at him in surprise.

"What? Why? We have plenty of time!"

Knuckles side-glances me, than shrugs. "I just don't want to have to go back."

Something in my chest twists at seeing their plans fall apart because of my stupid restraints. Seized by a sudden urge, I step forward.

"I'll walk home, then," I say, trying to look casual. "It's not far. I can do it in no time."

"You're sure?" Asks Tails skeptically, and I nod vigorously.

"Yes. You guys should stay out late, have some fun. I don't mind a long walk." Truth be told, I do mind. I mind a great deal. I hate being left behind at home like a child, seeing the annoyed looks on the others' faces when they realize how much work it is to shuttle me around. It makes me feel useless and powerless, and I'm sure they feel like babysitters, having to take me everywhere.

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