Official Character Profile: Tray Orbit (WIP)

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Character Creator: Trevor M.
Note: he hasn't told much of literally anything about this characters we just came up with the power together, (very mostly him)) so an extremely work in progress character, with little known info, especially when it comes to specifics. However what is known so far is to good to pass up as an unofficial character.
Name: Tray Orbit
Nickname: Orbit Hippie (or something along those lines)
Age: probably early 16-17
Gender: guy
Height: dunno
Grade: WIP
Sexual Orientation: pansexual?? No clue.
Average GPA: no clue. Most likely B's and C's.
Classes of interest: WIP (maybe PE and Astronomy courses and physics)
Classes of disinterest: WIP

Relationships: WIP
Relationships yet to be explored with other characters.
•Social Status: No currently known clubs, but may be in some. Is known to wander about school and offer help to wherever it's needed, and even volunteer to be in games and fun activities. Mostly known for his at times annoying ability and his more hippie-esc nature and look.

Personality: WIP
Probably enjoys games and fun things to do and serving others in activities they need help in.
•Morals: Advicates for peace and kindness. (I don't friggin know)
•Like and Dislikes: uhhhhh, likes people and kindness n such and probably dislikes really difficult things to solve. Likes hanging out in the lunch room and demonstrating ability.

Isn't very connected with parents, but nevertheless got in via money and connvience and that's about it.
•Motivations: make some friends and good memories.

Ability/(Physical) Attribute/Base: Ability
Description: Tray Orbit has basically a gravitional feild around him. Anything coming at him will move around him in a curved motion that follows the barrier. The faster it comes the more it's slinged around and sent off. If it's not directly coming at him, it doesn't have that effect (so that air and breathing and such is still possible). Although this can be difficult when he's trying to catch something or bring something to him or take showers. This he has to somehow manually bring that object close to him to use. In the hallways when he's walking along, people will naturally feel the force and naturally just kinda curve around it and him. Same thing happens if someone is trying to throw a punch or item at him, it's pretty difficult.
•Looks: Redish hair, with beads and headband with occasional bracelets. Like wearing things with bright colors or things that resmbles planets.


Pictures: •Uniform

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Additional Information: none yet

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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