Official Character Profile: Tom Reader

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Character Creator: Abbi
Name: Tom Reader
Nickname: Book Worm or Mind Worm.
Age: 16ish
Gender: male
Height: 5'7 or 5'8
Grade: 2nd year Transfer
Sexual Orientation: mainly straight
Average GPA: B's and C's with a few good A's
Classes of interest: science I guess -no strong opinion, but does like clubs.
Classes of disinterest: PE (kinda) -no strong opinion
Would be roomates with Maddison if not for the boy-girl rule. But mainly best friend is Maddison Swirl, trying to help translate for her. Is also friends with Goggles, and acquaintances with Stace Space. Possible relivley friends with Jacob Stiller, Anejla Jectra, and Allison Carta. Kinda like a devloped friend group to hang around when is not just hanging out with Maddison.
•Social Status: Can mostly find him in the library. Many people see Tom as a little intrusive because of his mind reading ability but once ya get to know him he's relatively a nice guy. People assume he's one to spread rumors but he's really not unless he thinks someone has sorts of thoughts others need to be warned about for safety reasons. He's known to really try not to spread rumors but nevertheless might end up accidently doing so anyways (on occasion). He can be found at the library, almost always following around Maddison, or looking through various clubs to join. In the future he will be known for making ideas for various submitted sport games, although won't play them himself. He can also be occasionlly found at night snooping around, most of the time with a friend or two.

Tom with his ability can be really empathetic and sympathetic towards people at times, sometimes using his power to help understand a person in their time of need, which makes for a really good friend. Relatively, Tom is kinda a nerd but not to nerdy, and in fact relatively quite passive, netural, and almost just normal. He tries not to cause trouble at all as that's not really his goal, but can't help being curious in alot of things. He tries to respect other people's thoughts but sometimes things just can't be helped. He'll try to help others with homework, problems, and ideas and such but in the end his help is kind of average.
•Morals: usually against cheating and invading privacy and such, but he is willing to sometimes make an exception to moral codes under certain circumstances. Although his deal is other's happiness, is his gladness. He's very skeptical when in comes to letting "enimies" or at least widley disliked people/people who usually cause trouble to join in hanging out. He disagrees with Maddison's idea that somethings are better left left-behind and forgotten, and thinks they should be found out and faced as part of someone's story to their own lives they should eventually find out and come to terms with.
•Likes: a good book and stories, coming up with games, admiring art and peering at Maddison's doodles, helping people out, hanging out with friends, exploring around places (such as out in the townz forest, or school), simple yet fun logic puzzles, games, watching people have fun or get playfully frustrated.
•Dislikes: Bullies/Bullying, intrusive thoughts he or other people might have, lies, tattle telling/tattle tellers, really strict teachers or night guards (or just really strict authority in general), over working, stress, and too much work.
•Objects typically carried: some type of book or on very occasional something like a notepad.

Backstory: Was a transfer student into the School or the Odd, and because of age and pre education, was put in 2nd year, which is common for alot. This is kinda where he and Maddison met on same day as e place arrival, and we're both targeted by the traditional bullies at first but worked together, became friends, and managed kind of wars them off for the time being. This ended up happening multiple times. Early on, the principal requested Tom stick to Maddison Swirl for communication reasons and said he would try to pair them together as best he could. So naturally they became better and better friends, although Tom can get kinda akward about Maddison's antics towards other's sometimes. Luckily, he learned that Maddison had almost always strong emtions and so regularly reading her thoughts isn't a problem, however he also found that Maddison's thoughts are very quick and loud with alot to say to them. Through getting to know her, he's found a bit about her past which she seems guarded to. He can clearly tell that she has some bent up emotions locked away somewhere about it, and is determined to help her find and sort through them. Kinda metaphorically kinda "unravel" her mess. Although with good intentions, he can tell sometimes Maddison doubts about whether that's actually a good idea or not, or if some things are better left left-behind.
•Motivations: but because other's happiness is his gladness is mainly why he wants to make a big game events that's exciting for everyone to participate in. Something that can make use of everyone's abilties/physical attributes (within the friend group and possibly a bit outside of it) or at least one that can work for everyone and can still be fun, as some PE created games by other students sometimes will throw out the use of abilities or physical attributes entirley. Through some brainstorming he wants to come up with a game that works for everyone, is fun, and where they can feel proud of themselves through the game, then see other's play it and have fun. It's one of his few goals, but he might need help from others for it.
Before the academy, Tom was raised in a very educational environment by his family and schooling, and not much was focused on Abilities or physical attributes but rather someone's knowledge by themselves. They way he grew up, he decided not to try and cheat by finding answers, and instead find them for himself fairly.

Ability/(Physical) Attribute/Base: Ability
Description: A more accurate description of his power would more be reading people's emotions, like exactly knowing what that person is feeling in their minds. And sometimes if that emtion is strong enough, reading the thoughts/words being tied to those emotions. Sometimes if someone happens to distract him that passes by that obviously has a high amount of emtion sometimes the mind reading will be a slip up automatic thing. He can target people to mind read but he can also do it on people on accident when not targeting them.
•Looks: regular brown hair, (possible either blue or light brown eyes). See pictures below.


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