Official Character Profile: Stace Spacey

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Character Creator: Abbi
Name: Stace Spacey
Nickname: Layer Girl. (She doesn't like it all to much)
Age: approatching 17.
Gender: Female
Height: tall when spaced, shorter when condensed. (Idk the math so I guess WIP).
Grade: 3
Sexual Orientation: asexual/not romantic like at all (sorry dudes)
Average GPA: Hardly ever lower then an A.
Classes of interest: Math, Science, Physics, chemistry.
Classes of disinterest: History I guess, doesn't really hold and strong disinterest towards any classes.

Relationships: WIP
Acquaintances with kinda alot of people, most prominently though Maddison Swirl and Tom Reader. Doesn't have a substantial friend I've or she has decided on yet.
•Social Status: Doesn't really stay in one club for very long. Doesn't like signing up for them just kinda shows up and participates briefly and may return again next week or next month or never again. Kinda finding out which club, If there is one, she's interested enough to fully dedicate self to. She can be very distant towards other people at times, and sometimes that can make people upset with her for it, but everyone knows no one has to do so if they don't want to, so it's overall netural towards Stace. Although if you need help getting around the school or with classes and such, she's a good person to talk to about. Even though she doesn't volunteer to help people, the occasional help she can give is usually always pretty useful.

Personality: WIP
Is kind of interested in PE in relation to how she can use her physical attribute in it saftley and usefully. For the reason, she has been intruiged by the mention of Tom's goal for a creation of a game including use of that which can also be fun for everyone. Prefers to keep things clean and simple. In general, Stace is quite calm but can get annoyed by people pretty easily. She doesn't smile often and when she does it's very sweet and soft and rare. She acts depressed but she really isn't. She's not a creepy or shy type however she's very quiet and lingers around alot. Kinda keeps to herself most of the time.
Doesn't care to much for all the rumors that go on in the school, in fact the more she hears them the more she's just kinda annoyed by them. They don't really inerest her all that much.
•Morals: will help whoever needs help as a really casual thing, but doesn't really go out of way to seek out something that'll be a good deed bases on non fact and non emergency situations.
•Likes: Showing off her Physical Attribute, she's sort of proud of it despite the fact the type of kind of common. Some nice silence now and then, spectating others in the halls, being at her un- condensed height, admiring art, and small talk.
•Dislikes: Doesn't really like any nicknames or people calling her Stacey that much, rumors, tripping, obnoxious people, way to talkative of people, getting lost, people trying to bully her or others and/or steal her body parts and lock them behind something. Including getting hand accidentally (or purposefully) locked behind locker.
•Objects typically carried: all of her if you know what I mean (just kidding)

Backstory: very WIP
Has been here that the school for all 3 years now, so despite not being an explorer like Tom she knows the school's layout quite well. She used to be extremely shy and then very hyper towards her friends but over maturing and distancing away from friends over natural circumstances she's grown more mellow, calm, stable, and not afraid to approatch people. Despite this though, she still gets teased occasionally, usually by really immature younger students who think they can do whatever they want to people. She tries to stay away from toxic people and other people like Rhonny, Si, and Clairey, but will sometimes still encounter them and have to annoyingly tollerate/deal with them.
•Motivations: (WIP) her motivations are mainly to finish her last year here with good credits and gpa. Right now, she doesn't see much point in making good well connected friends since once she's graduated she'll be moving some place else away from the town and live out her life to persue more adult goals. For now she's distant and a bit uncaring towards people at times, but hopefully that'll change over her last year.

Ability/(Physical) Attribute/Base: Physical Attribute
This is actually a relitbley common Physical Attribute. There are many types, shapes, and patterns that a person can be spaced into (See update 2). Her particular one is known as a Spiraled-Layer-Chunk trait. It happens on a spectrum though, and her spiraling of her layers aren't as spiraly ad some other people might have it, but it is visible enough to be classified as such. Most of how she works is explained in update 2, but for a reminder, the space between her layers is non-existent. Meaning blood with just flow straight right to the other layer as if she was regularly attached. However foreign objects like vaccines, posions, and other chemicals and such will fall right out untill it is mixed into her system properly and essentially becomes part of her. Her emotions hold together her layer. As long as she feels, she holds. When more excited or elated or happy she tends to de-condense more and when she's sad or down more she tends to condense her layers closer together. She has a natural pull to each of her layers. For example, if a finger is lost or stick behind something, she'll start to feel the uncomfortable pull of missing it (while that finger will just be floating somewhere trying to zoom back to her like a magnet and someone could walk around and be like "ah-ha! I found this random floating finger!" Anyway-) She's gotten pretty skilled to the point where she can move her layers so if something is thrown at her she can allow it to just pass through her. Things passing through her has no effect on her, however her inside are readily closley avaible and actually there, it is possible to stick your hand inside her but that'd be incredibly rude and dangerous and you would get in huge trouble for it (you don't just stick your hand up inside someone's guts!) However, with some training she can use extending certain layers to her advantage, which is kinda why she wants to get into certain PE games before she graduates. If she trips on something, and her foot gets left behind, she might not actually trip on that thing, but instead the foot inltself will, and that'll faulter, which in turn effects her balance (if her foot is not evently below her, she gonna hobble). She can control her layers to a certain extent away from her but the farther away they get the more difficult it gets. Inguries can effect her or even spread to other layers under certain conditions (again, see update 2 for alot more details on how she works).
•Looks: Most of the time, she's not fully condensed and like to leave space between each of her layers, making her quite tall. (All those inches add up) also yes, her guts are visible, and she has heard all the joke compliments about it.


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Additional Information:
Attempting to play with, or stick anything through her layers, like many other instincaces with other people with Physical attributes, it can be considered physical harrasment or even assult because of the vanerablity of exposed flesh. (Which means infections come easier).

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