Official Character Profile: Jacob Stiller

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Character Creator: Kaizaed/Chritain
Name: Jacob Stiller
Nickname: "Scales," Jake (the name Jake is typically only used by Jectra)
Age: 17
Gender: male
Height: 6'0
Grade: 3
Sexual Orientation: questioning
Average GPA: B's and A's, an occasional C
Classes of interest: PE, Science(Physics), English
Classes of disinterest: History

Childhood friends with Angela Jectra, friends with Allison Carta.
•Social Status: Fairly well known for athletic skills and sports accomplishments.

Personality: Optimistic, upbeat, will typically interject if he sees someone causing trouble with another student(bullying).
•Morals: Has no qualms with breaking rules so lomg as noone gets hurt (ie, sneaking out into town past curfew)
•Likes: Enjoys athletics, card and tabletop games, enjoying scenery (nature, night sky, city lights, etc)
•Dislikes: Generally dislikes people abusing their power or being dicks, and cheaters.
•Objects typically carried: General little objects to fiddle with or balance on the regular.

Backstory: He and Jectra grew up in an area where sensory-based powers were common.
•Motivations: He and Angela became friends partially because they were both so hellbent on kicking the other's ass, which they still are.

Ability/(Physical) Attribute/Base: Ability
Description: Jacob's power is his perfect balance. His body has the ability to perfectly balance standing on near any surface, or hold any object (provided its not like, too heavy). This is a reflex based on his sense of touch, meaning its involuntary, and if he wants to drop something, it has to be deliberate. His constant balancing act earned him the nickname "Scales"
•Looks: Long orange hair, typically kept tied back or braided, and grey eyes. He's tall and lanky, easily able to distribute his weight as need be to maintain balance.


Pictures: •Uniform

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