Chapter Twelve

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Aaron had tried to offer me a ride out to the farm, but I conviced him it would be better for me if I ran. The harder part was trying to convince my grandma that I should just run out there.

"But Grandma," I begged, "I haven't run in like a week I'll get out of shape!"

Grandma shook her head, "Nonsense. I will not have you showing up for a date sweaty and smelly." She shooed me upstairs to change out of my running clothes.

I tromped into my room and changed into different clothes. I didn't get why grandma care so much.Aaron had seen me get bumped into a pool fully clothed, it couldn't get much worse than that. And he saw me in a swimsuit I thought with a shudder. I had also seen him shirtless though... I couldn't forget about that easily.

Grandma dropped me off at Hansen Farm and I told her that Aaron could probably take me home later. She drove away and I looked around curiously, Aaron wasn't around.

I investigated into the barn and found him there, grooming a chestnut horse. He was focused on brushing the horse's coat and he hadn't seen me yet. There was music playing and he was singing. He was right, he definately could not sing. I stifled a giggle as I watched him shake his hips and sing. What a sight.

I started snapping and singing along as I strutted down the barn aisle. He turned to see me with and embarrased grin. I struck a pose when I reached him, with some very convincing jazz hands.

"That was quite the show I just saw," I told him with a mischievious smile.

Aaron shook his head, blushing, "I didn't see you there," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and picked up a brush from a trunk on the floor. I tickled the horse's nose before stepping around to its other side. I ran the brush over it's back, aware of Aaron watching me.

"What?" I asked with a grin, looking up to meet his eyes. They were so, so blue.

Aaron shrugged, looking away quickly, "Nothing," he mumbled, trying to hide a smile uneffectively.

"So have you ridden before?" Aaron asked curiously as he searched for the correct bridle to put on the horse.

"I have a couple times," I said, "but I'm definately no expert."

Aaron nodded, finding the bridle and slinging it over his forearm, "You can ride Bucky here then," he said patting the chesnut's neck, "He's pretty calm."

I smiled, coming around to the horse's head, "Bucky, huh?" I asked, planting a kiss on his white blazed face, "Nice to meet you."

Aaron put the bridle and a saddle on Bucky and also another horse. His horse was a tall dapple gray that was pretty fidgety. We led the horses out of the barn and Aaron tied the gray to a post. He held Bucky in place while I attempted to get in the saddle. I lifted my left foot and wedged it into the stirrup, taking a deep breath. I looked up at the top of the saddle, it was a long way up. I figured I probably looked pretty stupid standing there with one leg jacked up in the air.

Aaron laughed, "Need some help?"

I blushed as he came around and placed his hands on my waist. My heart fluttered as his fingers traced across my stomach.

"Jump on three," Aaron said.

I just nodded, unable to speak.

"One, two three!"

I jumped and Aaron lifted me easily upward. I swung my right leg over the saddle and Bucky shifted around a little. I guickly worked my right foot into the stirrup.

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