What I am doing about this book

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So this story will soon be re done because some of it is really crappy but the story will be taken off this account and onto RoosterTeethFanFic as my individual story. Note there will be new chapters so this story isn't over yet. The reason I am doing this is because I believe I will get more reads on that account and because let's face it, this story needs a fair bit of editing. It will more then likely have a new name and cover. I will post the name and cover in this book as an A/N. I hope you guys aren't made at me for doing this but I just think it needs to be done. Thank you to those who have read this and I hope you read the re done version on RoosterTeethFanFic when I start it on there :) I love all of you for reading what I started to create here. I might do a completely different story some other day when I finish with the re done and collaboration book on RoosterTeethFanFic .

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