Chapter 23: Exploration

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Just a heads up: We are now entering into sexy time territory...

Chapter 23: Exploration

Naruto discovered that one of the best things he loved about having Hinata in his life was testing his limits. She'd allowed him to touch her body, and he took every opportunity he could.

When they were out on their dates or just together in town, he liked putting his hand on the small of her back whenever the opportunity presented itself. To the outside, it looked very dignified, something men did with their ladies. But if he could just finagle it a little bit, he could actually put his ring and pinky fingers right on the top curve of her buttock without her noticing it.

"Naruto, I know what you're doing," she said calmly, but there was a glimmer of amusement in her eyes as she shot him a sideways look.

He grinned back at her. "Sure, but that doesn't sound like you're telling me to stop it, though."

She didn't say anything, but her lips twitched as they continued walking down the Konoha street. They were on their way to the archives to pick up documents that Shikamaru had needed for a letter he was drafting to the other kages. Hinata knew where they were since it had been part of her previous training.

Naruto was done with his mission and had just gotten back. He was tagging along because he had nothing else better to do.

"We're out in public," she warned him.

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to his body, his hand still on the small of her back. His mouth close to her ear, he whispered, "We're out in public."

His tone dropped suggestively. "When you're done, how about we get out of public and be indoors then?"

She flushed but raised a brow, and her gaze on him was speculative. "Okay."

She'd called his bluff; his breath caught in surprise.

"I'll be done in an hour. I'll be at your place then."

"Really?!" His voice came out in a higher pitch than he'd like.

Naruto had barely gotten his apartment clean when she knocked at the door. She'd been prompt, arriving at the appointed time.

He'd pulled her in as soon as he opened the door. She walked straight into his waiting arms and his seeking mouth. They stood in the entranceway for a few minutes kissing, his hands busy kneading her back, dropping down to cup the curve of her butt. When she didn't protest, he pulled her closer and pressed her against the lower half of his body.

She gasped then, but she continued kissing him. All this time, her arms had been wrapped around his back, her hands gripping his shirt. When he'd brought their bodies together, she'd slowly moved her hands to his hips and then moved back to experimentally cup and then squeeze his butt. She ran her hands up to his lower back, directly onto his skin, under his t-shirt, then the tips of her fingers were suddenly under the garters of his underwear.

"Hinata!" he squeaked in surprise, his lips still pressed against hers.

He suddenly felt faint.

Naruto broke the kiss and dragged in a deep breath. He looked at her flushed face, her pink lips, and her eyes so drowsy, looking at him like she wanted to do more.

"I need to sit down," he said.

She blinked. Then she looked down and realized she still had her boots on and they were still standing at his entranceway.

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