Chapter 11: The Balcony

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Chapter 11: The Balcony

Hinata took a deep breath as she stood outside. She just needed to cool down. She'd been talking to so many people today, she just wanted a chance to take a break and find some peace of mind.

And to calm herself before she could face Naruto again.

Oh, she'd known he'd been in the room. There was no way she could have missed him, so golden and bright. She'd seen the admiring glances that a lot of men, and mostly women, sent his way.

But she'd been so filled with pride for her efforts that she'd forgotten his existence. This was growth, she thought with amusement. She'd been able to dismiss him from her mind as she'd enjoyed her success. She, quiet Hinata, had accomplished something that even the supremely capable Shikamaru hadn't been able to do. It had made her happy enough to forget the existence of the love of her life.

Hinata was proud of herself. She'd been able to convince the Daimyo's son to increase more support for the shinobi widows' fund. She would be able to go home to Konoha feeling she'd done some good.

She felt the sudden prickle in her consciousness and gave a low laugh.

Growth, indeed. He'd followed her outside.

Hinata could feel her heart beating faster. They were alone, she realized. She felt a sudden wave of anxiety flow through her. She'd lost the safety of the crowd, the protective embrace of knowing what to do when she was around other people. She always floundered when she was around Naruto, especially when it was just the two of them—at night, under the stars, outside on a balcony. The romance of it was too much to bear.

She didn't turn around but felt him walking towards her. She wanted to fall back on her nervous tick, to focus her breath as she tapped her index fingers together, but she resisted. Maybe she'll do it after she was done talking to him, she suddenly thought with a smile. Then she laughed at herself for being so stupid. He probably had no thought of romance whatsoever in his mind.

Okay, he was just a friend. They were just going to chat.

Just talking. With a friend.

Who she'd been in love with for years.

Hinata finally turned around and watched as he approached her slowly.

Growth, hah! she thought with sudden alarm as she felt herself getting warmer the closer he got to her. That growth sure was short-lived! She willed herself not to panic, to calm down.

She kept her eyes on him, watching him walk towards her, fighting to keep her composure even as her heart pounded and drunk in her first sight of him in months.

God, Hinata loved how he looked in that uniform, the dark top and the orange pants. It fit him well, emphasizing the way he moved with more precision and smoothness. When you've managed to save the world at seventeen, you just gain confidence in your abilities.

It showed. At nineteen, Naruto walked with ease and comfort, strides long, arms swinging casually at his sides, face forward towards a goal he was forever chasing. He vibrated with energy, knowing there was nothing he couldn't do. He had a tall, wiry frame that belied muscles formed from endless hours of physical training. His drive to become the next Hokage meant that he was forever pushing himself to reach, and even go beyond his limits.

But she'd always found him handsome and her fingers itched to skim over his body and feel those lean muscles under her skin. To run her hands through his short, golden hair. One of these days...

He was closer now. And the heat off him was too intense for her.

Hinata swallowed. Okay. Here we go. Talk to him. He's a friend. Be normal.

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