Chapter 8: Searching for an Emissary

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Chapter 8: Searching for an Emissary

Meanwhile, Shikamaru had been trying to rack his brains as to who'd be able to do the diplomatic missions, the more delicate task of talking to different factions among the villages and representing Konoha's interests abroad. As Kakashi's assistant, he was more than willing to do it. But it was too much for one person. He needed someone else to conduct these types of assignments.

Naruto was the first one he scratched off his list. Shikamaru could still remember the ruckus he'd created in the Hokage's office as he complained about the mission he'd just come back from.

"Please don't send me again to these villages where there are so many young ninjas," he'd shouted. "They always chase and scratch me, Hokage! I don't want to deal with teenage fangirls anymore! It was not an S-Class mission! Don't make me call you a liar!"

Hinata was off the list, too, and he didn't bother talking to her. She was just too damned shy. She wouldn't be able to handle it, surrounded by so many people and having to negotiate on Konoha's behalf with confidence.

Shikamaru had taken one look at Kiba bounding up on Akamaru and decided no. There was no way he'd be able to conduct politics, either. He was too loud and brash, and just as bad as Naruto.

Maybe Shino? He had the temperament for it.

"What do you think? You think you can help me out?" Shikamaru asked after explaining the situation.

He was met by the sound of crickets—literally.

Shino held up a clear box filled with the jumping insects. "Sorry Shikamaru, but I've got other priorities. I'm using this travel abroad to discover more insects for my clan and to talk to people who have the same type of skills as ours. Why? Because the more insect users, the merrier."

Sakura quickly shook her head at his approach. "I don't have the patience to deal with people squabbling over things I don't care about. Plus, I want to learn more medical jutsu when I'm abroad. I'm best suited for that type of work. There are a lot of techniques I can learn from other villages and bring back to Konoha to build up the medical corps here."

Sai was smiling his fake smile at him when he approached. It could work. He was former Root. He was cool under pressure and had an excellent poker face, Shikamaru thought hopefully—until Sai whipped out a book and started flipping through the pages.

"I need to check my book first. So at these meetings with leaders, the first thing to do is to smile, then shake hands, then greetings. What do you say for a greeting, though? Hmm," Sai thought for a moment then said, "Yo, man, how's it going?"

Lee looked at him with his big round eyes and Shikamaru knew this wasn't going to work, either. Yes, he was very intelligent and astute, but Lee was too open and easy to read. He wouldn't be able to finesse around difficult issues. Hell, he'd probably give away Konoha's secrets and riches in a heartbeat.

But Tenten could do it!

She laughed in his face. "No, thanks! I want to grow my business, so my goal is to check out the market and the competition in other villages. I've already got so many contacts and business partners. They're coming next month to check out what we have in Konoha. It's great!" She gave him a wry look. "Besides, you really think I can keep my cool when the talk turns to arms and weapons?"

Ino would have been perfect with her flirty and outgoing personality, but she'd been very subdued since the death of her father. She smiled at him in sympathy. "I wish I can help you, Shikamaru. But I'm only doing the bare minimum of these missions outside of Konoha because the Hokage asked and it's to help Naruto in the future. Truthfully, though, I'd like to stay here in the village as much as I can. I want to be with my mom. We still have the flower shop to run, too."

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